Time for a change!

Hello, well lets see.... The heading of this message board says it all! I have given myself to my children for the last 2 years, working out when i can make the time and putting them first. I have gained weight, then lost weight, got pregnant again, gained weight. now that i am done having children i feel that it is time for me to do something for myself. I have felt bad about myself for a long time, looking in the mirror made me feel worse than i could ever imagine. Living in Hawaii i hate wearing shorts and going to the beach in a bathing suite? yeah right!! I have yearned for the day when i can put on a nice outfit and walk out to go on a date with my husband and feel beautiful, and not care what other kind of women are in the room with me.
I know that i will never be model skinny, but i do not care. the body that i have now was given to me because of the best two gifts that i could ever receive, my children, and i dont want to change it---- just make it better! As long as i can feel good, inside and out that is all that matters. and if there are other moms or women out there that are in the same boat i would love to talk with you!


  • yolandita
    yolandita Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! Imagine looking like an overweight mother that's never even had children, sucks *kitten*. I'd go out and people ask me if i'm expecting or automaticall think I have kids, and I'm in my 20's. I've been tryna lose weight only for myself and no one else. I just wanna be completely satisfied at my goal weight. Feel confident in a not plus sized jean size. Be able to shop in the small girl section, pass lane bryant and ashley stewart cause I know the stuffs too big for me.
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    You will succeed if you stay on track! I have had 3 children and I know how hard it is to take time for YOU! But you must and congrats on getting this far! Exercise will be your best friend! Find some Mom's who want to be workout buddies and make that appt. the one you NEVER cancel..you are worth it girl...your kids will grow up and leave and live there own lives like mine have and you will be stuck with that extra body weight and mad at yourself for not taking care of yourself sooner...trust the voice of experience! Best wishes! Marian, Pilates trainer
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    when I was pregnant with my son people would ask if I was having twins my response would be no but I think your forgetting I looked pregnant before I actually was so its not surprising I look like I'm having twins, when the mid wife said I was measuring 5 weeks over what I should be I would say well I probably measured 5 weeks when I wasn't even pregnant all this humor was just to mask how depressed I was about myself and my appearance even my profile on here is humor I kept trying to laugh it off but here I am now no humor just wanting to be a better and healthier person for my son and my family x
  • vegheadmomma
    thanks for your words of encouragment, and you look great for having 3 kids! I know that i can do it as well, it is just hard when you are tired all the time and have no energy because i have not slept a full night in 2 years! things will get better i just have to stay focused!