alcachofa infusion tea?

I live in Mexico and the only place I've found spirulina has been in a tea w/other ingredients. Today, I happened to buy a box alcachofa infusion tea which has sold a tone in our Costco stores over the past year. I'm reading mixed reports that FDA has or hasn't approved it in the US. I also read a few testimonies that those who used it lost 7-8 pounds in a matter of two weeks w/out changing anything. One user said they developed heart palpitations which have not stopped. Spirulina is a herb to help boost energy. I, being in my 40's, have been drinking a tea with spirulina to boost my energy as I don't want caffeine and sleepless nights.

Has anyone had any experience with alcachofa infusion tea? Would like some more feed back.


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    sorry, I have never heard about it before but by responding it will bump the post so that someone else might see it and know.

    Spirulina rocks!!

  • funnygirl0940
    I bought the alcoachofa because it has spirulina in it :D We don't have it here in any other form but teas.
  • funnygirl0940
  • funnygirl0940
    this is artichoke tea w/other herbs...
  • funnygirl0940
    Wow! in all the thousands of MFP users, no one has heard about this? interesting
  • dezdame
    Ive heard of it. My cousin takes it and eats right and works out. She has lost about 50 lbs.... it took 5 months. I am sure it was more the eating right and working out that taking the alcachofa but she likes it.
  • loveleejessica
    loveleejessica Posts: 1 Member
    I literally just started this diet. I bought both the tea & the pills.
    I lost 2.5 pounds already and it has been three days.
    I don't feel jittery or any heart palpitations at all. I actually feel more energized
    Than anything. The pills are suppose to give you a fuller effect which they do in fact
    Because I'll have a banana and Oj and feel full all day. I'll snack on a piece of fruit
    And that's it for lunch, but it does take your hunger away.
    Ad I drink the tea at night before bedtime. I don't exercise,
    Unless its running after the kids lol. I'm a sitter So I'm always standing or walking
    It's worked so far! I'm glad I got it. The lady that sold it to me, lost 35 pounds in 3 months