Just now getting around to introducing myself

I started working on a healthier lifestyle and My Fitness Pal on 12/1/2010 but I never got around to introducing myself. I live in Central California, and am a 43 year old resource specialist/special ed teacher, mother & wife. A helpful quote I saw on the website early on was "I'm not motivated, but am resolved." That really helped me to focus and quit making excuses. I had to be honest with myself and face reality... The Truth really will set you free from the bondage of food.

Now that I've been doing this two months, I revised that quote to make it my own: "Being resolved has made me more motivated!" What a blessing to begin enjoying the journey, to see the results of baby steps. When I started MFP, I HATED exercise. Over time I've come to not hate exercise so much, but to look forward to it. Realizing I can actually jog for 5 minutes at a time is empowering. It's great to be able to look at a dessert, and realize that my life will continue to have meaning even if I don't eat it... I must be beginning to think like a thin person. :) I strive to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, which guides us to all Truth, and not giving in to every impulse and temptation that crosses my mind (see 2 Corinthians 10:5).

I'm so thankful that I found the MFP free iphone food tracker app, and the website has been a big bonus!!! The encouraging culture on MFP is amazing! It's incredible there is not that much negativity in the posts. YAY!!! Everyone is amazing and wonderful! So I'm sending out hugs and prayers for everyone to meet their goals in order to feel better, live longer, and have a better quality of life. And thank you also, to the founders for keeping MFP free!!!!!!!

And I'd love some more MFP friends.

Have a great day!!!!!
