I'm losing motivation-I could do with some support

lulu20111 Posts: 28
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,

HELP!!!! I've logged in and registered everything i've eaten and exercise i've completed for over a month, I haven't lost as many kilos as I had hoped for and losing the motivation to keep going, it's a long haul and i'm losing the will to keep going with it all!

I could do with some support so please feel free to invite me as I need some help to keep going!!!

Thanks everyone!

Lulu x


  • Lulu,
    Don't lose hope, your just beginning. as you develop habits that work for you and find your niche, the change will start happening. just keep trying. be honest and log everything and know that we are pulling for you!

  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member

    Logging everything you eat is obviously important, but what are you eating?

    Do you have a heart rate monitor or are you using what MFP gives you or gym equipment as this may be off.
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you maintaining at least 1200 calories a day??

    Edited to say- Don't give up. If you want it to happen. It will =)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sweetheart, sometimes it's slower than we'd like but you've got to stick with it. I mean what's the alternative? There is no alternative really is there?!! So come on knuckle down, eat clean and get some training in. Your body WILL reward you eventually. :flowerforyou:
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I feel your pain! I've been good all week and lost like half a lb! ARGH.
    Keep going! even though i am not losing weight i am feeling better (if a little hungry) and i am noticing a change in my body.

    Don't give up! This IS worth it!
  • janruffin
    janruffin Posts: 53 Member
    We are all here with you. Every day we log in just like you. We all make choices and part of this adventure is learning to make the right choices. I am learning every day....
    We are all here for you. Don't give up.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I know how you feel. Everyone keeps telling me it is not healthy to lose more then 2lbs (0.91 kelos I think) in a week. I have also been told if you take it off to fast your more likely to put it back on. But the truth is it is frustrating to feel like you are working your butt off for small numbers. Feel free to add me and send me message to chat :)
  • u have to keep going, even if you only lose a tiny bit each week, read every label, plan ahead and log everything,
    you will get there, it's takes a while to put on the weight, so will take a while to come off and the slower the better
    then u won't put it on so quick, if you do put it on that is ;-)
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I added you.

    Keep up your work it will happen
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hey I just looked at your profile and saw you were a competetive mountain biker!! :flowerforyou:

    Wicked!! :drinker:

    I know what you're saying about making training more fun and not having a really regimented schedule anymore. I used to feel like a slave to my training schedule when I was training for an Ironman. It became a chore. Now I train very different and essentially do what I fancy doing every day. It gets easier when it becomes fun again I promise.

    Friend me if you want a chat. :smile:

    and saw you're in London, so join us here:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I read this from one of our friends at mfp. I look at it when I feeling like I want to go for that piece of cake, or want to say
    the heck with it. It's not just about looking good on the outside. It's ok to get off track from time to time. But know, just because we fall doesn't mean we have to fail. Eat that cake and get back to work tomorrow!
    Please read this!

    Joined Jan 2011
    Posts: 22
    Fri 01/28/11 12:14 PMI was just released from the hospital yesterday after having an emergency heart catheterization at age 43. I had to say goodbye to my 2 small sobbing children this week (thinking I might possibly never see them again.) While waiting for surgery, I only had time to write down a few brief notes to my little boy and girl and husband about the things I wanted them to know in case I did not make it. I wept over tear-stained pages for my children who would have no mother, and my husband who would have no wife. I wept over all the things I had wanted to accomplish in my life and all the things I had wanted to share with my kids. I was heartbroken that I had failed my children. They needed a mother to protect them, care for them and love them and I had failed them. My anguish was beyond anything I have ever experienced. I prayed for their futures and for my own peace of mind as the hours ticked away before my surgery. Finding a well of stillness and peace within my grief, I went into the operating room calm and resigned to whatever happened.

    I have no words for the relief and resolve I am experiencing now that I survived the procedure and live to tell of my experience. I know that I now have absolutely no choice but to fight for my life every single day of the time that remains. This is my one wild and precious life and it is worth fighting for.

    There were literally hundreds of heart patients lined up at the hospital, and thousands more scheduled on into the future waiting for surgery to save their lives. The feeling of resignation and stubborn disregard hung in the air over the cardiac unit like a dense fog. Perhaps because every patient I saw was old enough to be my parent or grandparent, I just got so incredibly angry at myself for having ended up in that situation. Each new doctor, technician or aide who came to treat me seemed shocked to see me there. In the cardiac cath lab, they literally said, "What are YOU doing here?" I had a lot of explaining to do, mainly to myself. The fact that the surgeon said I was a victim of my heredity did little to assuage my anguish. How had I let things get so out of control? When had I given up on myself and stopped trying?

    I am on a journey now. A lifelong journey, not of dieting and counting calories, but of making moment-to-moment choices that will directly affect the quality and QUANTITY of the rest of my life. The heart condition that put me in the emergency room this week can be controlled by medication and will not require surgery only IF I do my part in saving my own life. I am the active catalyst here, not medical intervention. It is my life to save, my heart to heal. I am taking matters into my strong and capable hands. I have been through some major trials in my life and come out of them stronger, and I will master this too. I must.

    Consider the alternative to not trying... There is nothing like facing death to make you value your life.

    My advice to anyone struggling to get healthy-
    Do not give up. Fight for your life. Every effort you contribute is worth it. Keep going. Keep moving forward. Fall ten times, stand up eleven. Moment to moment choices are what determine your fate. Keep trying. It WILL work and you WILL succeed. Please give yourself another chance. It's never too late.

    I have at least 100 pounds still to lose, but I cannot give up. I have too much to live for and so do you.

    I would very much like to have your help and encouragement on this journey of mine if you will be a positive source of energy and support.

    Thank you so much- Linda

    Making moment-to-moment choices to directly affect the quality
  • whitneymws
    whitneymws Posts: 35 Member
    Hang in there, Lulu! I came back here (after 6 months off) the first week of January. Logged in for a week, lost almost nothing and got discouraged and stopped dieting. Well several weeks later I was feeling worse than ever... it's like the other poster said, what's the alternative? There is none! I've been back a week now and feel better than ever and am telling myself I have to stick with it for several weeks at least and to give it time and patience. You can do it! Being here with friends and others doing the same is a great support too.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think a half a pound a week is great. Your taking it slow and if you do it gradually I think you'll have a better
    chance of keeping it off. It means your making some positive changes. A half a pound a week is 26 pounds a year you would not have lost, if you do nothing. Get back on the horse and find different recipe sites. Put recipes in your recipe maker and play with
    them by substituting lower fats, whole grains, lots of fruits and Vegies. Watch you soduim, sweets, potatoes, pasta and gravy and sauces.
    Portion control it key. I bought a food scale and was shocked at what a real portions size is.
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    I read this from on of our friends at mfp. I look at it when I feeling like I want to go for that piece of cake, or want to say
    the heck with it. It's not just about looking good on the outside. It's ok to get of track from time to time. But know, just because we fall doesn't mean we have to give up. Eat that cake and get back to work tomorrow!
    Please read this!

    Joined Jan 2011
    Posts: 22
    Fri 01/28/11 12:14 PMI was just released from the hospital yesterday after having an emergency heart catheterization at age 43. I had to say goodbye to my 2 small sobbing children this week (thinking I might possibly never see them again.) While waiting for surgery, I only had time to write down a few brief notes to my little boy and girl and husband about the things I wanted them to know in case I did not make it. I wept over tear-stained pages for my children who would have no mother, and my husband who would have no wife. I wept over all the things I had wanted to accomplish in my life and all the things I had wanted to share with my kids. I was heartbroken that I had failed my children. They needed a mother to protect them, care for them and love them and I had failed them. My anguish was beyond anything I have ever experienced. I prayed for their futures and for my own peace of mind as the hours ticked away before my surgery. Finding a well of stillness and peace within my grief, I went into the operating room calm and resigned to whatever happened.

    I have no words for the relief and resolve I am experiencing now that I survived the procedure and live to tell of my experience. I know that I now have absolutely no choice but to fight for my life every single day of the time that remains. This is my one wild and precious life and it is worth fighting for.

    There were literally hundreds of heart patients lined up at the hospital, and thousands more scheduled on into the future waiting for surgery to save their lives. The feeling of resignation and stubborn disregard hung in the air over the cardiac unit like a dense fog. Perhaps because every patient I saw was old enough to be my parent or grandparent, I just got so incredibly angry at myself for having ended up in that situation. Each new doctor, technician or aide who came to treat me seemed shocked to see me there. In the cardiac cath lab, they literally said, "What are YOU doing here?" I had a lot of explaining to do, mainly to myself. The fact that the surgeon said I was a victim of my heredity did little to assuage my anguish. How had I let things get so out of control? When had I given up on myself and stopped trying?

    I am on a journey now. A lifelong journey, not of dieting and counting calories, but of making moment-to-moment choices that will directly affect the quality and QUANTITY of the rest of my life. The heart condition that put me in the emergency room this week can be controlled by medication and will not require surgery only IF I do my part in saving my own life. I am the active catalyst here, not medical intervention. It is my life to save, my heart to heal. I am taking matters into my strong and capable hands. I have been through some major trials in my life and come out of them stronger, and I will master this too. I must.

    Consider the alternative to not trying... There is nothing like facing death to make you value your life.

    My advice to anyone struggling to get healthy-
    Do not give up. Fight for your life. Every effort you contribute is worth it. Keep going. Keep moving forward. Fall ten times, stand up eleven. Moment to moment choices are what determine your fate. Keep trying. It WILL work and you WILL succeed. Please give yourself another chance. It's never too late.

    I have at least 100 pounds still to lose, but I cannot give up. I have too much to live for and so do you.

    I would very much like to have your help and encouragement on this journey of mine if you will be a positive source of energy and support.

    Thank you so much- Linda

    Making moment-to-moment choices to directly affect the quality

    wow. thats something EVERYONE on this journey should read! I may copy it to my mom!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    lulu plz keep trying,
    if life was easy would it really be worth our while??? we ALL are here for the same reason ultimately....TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT OURSELVES.. and while we are on the same paths as others, we are all at different stages but with the support from the others on here it will be easier

    best wishes
    Kirstie xx

    ps feel free to add me
  • Hey everyone,

    Thank you to all of your support messages, you're all an inspiration to keep going!

    If we haven't already, feel free to add me as a friend, and I look forward to reporting back with some positive results.....Soon!!!!!

    Lulu x
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