new sizes???

imperfectlyhere Posts: 87
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I started at 195 and have alot of weight to lose. I am now 181....Although my clothes feel looser especially my scrubs for work I am not too the point where they are really loose...I currently wear a 16-18...when or how much weight should I say till i need a new size? Looking at myself i still feel so big and noone seems to notice my weight loss...I just can't wait till someone says HEY you have lost weight!!!! I am just impatient:(:cry:


  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I'd love to know this too
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    When I lost a lot of weight a couple years ago, I waited until my friends or co-workers actually started commenting on how big my clothes looked on me. I wore a lot of belts! lol
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    I found that every ten-15 pounds seemed to mean a new size. I got more comments wearing clothes that fit than if I continued to wear the baggy clothes.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    The only way to know is to try on some new clothes in a different size. Depending on where you lose from and what kind of clothes you wear (elastic or fixed waist, etc), some people need a new size at 10 lbs. lost, and some people wear the same clothes for 20 lbs. or more.

    One thing to think about too is that if you're still wearing the same clothing and they're getting too big, they're adding bulk. That will make it a bit harder for people to notice your weight loss. But you've done an amazing job, and you should be proud. Keep it up!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    It takes a while.....but if you can, go to a local Goodwill and buy some clothes that really fit you well now. You probably want to keep going on your journey, but having clothes that show off what you've accomplished can really give you a boost.

    Our local Goodwill usually has a lot of nice clothes for very little cost. This is what I did during my journey.....but I do have to tell you....going to buy blue jeans in a size I hadn't worn since high school gave me every reason to brag to my co-workers the day I wore them to work :wink:

    I just got home from two days in Lincoln, eating meals out, snacking, sitting in a car and not getting much exercise in....I only gained .4 pounds in those two days....I'm excited about that!!!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member

    You can barely tell that I have lost weight... it seems to be coming off mostly from my thighs and butt I swear haha. A little off my hips and maybe my face but yeah its not that noticeable. I still wear my size 14 pants and they are just now starting to be a little too big, but not to the point that they are falling off, just unflattering like I have saggy jeans butt. My shirts are getting looser in the arms and chest area but it probably just looks better for now. I am expecting by my 20 pound mark it will be much more noticeable.

    :) Enjoy your extra confidence! People will notice soon
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