Hi I'm back-HELP

NYAngel Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:frown: Hi...I'm back--and really disappointed in myself

Hi everyone-I fell of the wagon and then some-I not only gained all the weight that I lost (about 10 pounds) but I gained 2 more...I have to admit that I have not been taking care of myself at all-I am completely stressed-and I know that these are just excuses and not facts. Well I'm back today-Sunday, February 6, 2011- so I'm focusing on now.

I am starting by logging on and taking repsonsibility. I know that I am repsonsible for MY SELF- emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, and psychologically and I'm starting wiht my healh.

My actual first step is just tracking everything that goes into my mouth-and just analyzing--I know thts is a journey but I want it NOW---so please--I need all the positive reinforcement, motivation, encourarment, and support as I cna get. This is my only and THE only support I am getting, as I am in a very toxic environment. So I am asking for help-something that I have problems with..

So here goes....

Angel <3


  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    Im new as well and you know you can do it because you've done it before if i understand right, this should be motivating you. You can count on all of us here too as we're all pretty much trying to do the same thing-to feel good about ourselves :)
    Good luck :)
  • abigailmae1
    abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
    Hang in there! Take time EVERYDAY to recommit to yourself. Each day is new and YOU are the only one who can decide to make a good day or just another day. Find a positive mantra and repeat it to yourself! You are worth it!
  • Let me first of all tell you that you are not alone. I started losing weight about a year ago, joined MFP and then lost a little more. Not only had I gained it back after but I had tacked on another 20 lbs. I'm close to losing that 20 lbs, but its so frustrating to log on and have "0 lbs lost" even though I've lost 15 since Jan 1st. It makes me that much more motivated to not let the extra weight slip back on. I don't want to feel like this again.

    You can do it! You can lose it all again.

    We can do it together!
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Coming back here is a great first step now all you have to do is take it one step at a time.
    When your stressed just think of what your feeling before you eat something.

    Best wishes
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    You can do it. I'm really struggling today. Need to exercise but am so tired after spending most of the night up with a sick kid. Send me a friend request if you'd like someone to encourage and get encouragement from. We're all in the same boat!
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