Austin area weight lose challenge

Hello all!

I live in Austin, TX and even though location doesn't matter, was wondering if anyone would like to join me in a 30 day challenge??! I think that by having support from so many others it would be helpful and I will be more than happy to keep the charts so that we can see everyone's progress! I do not think that we need to adhere to a group way of working out and eating, but just something to keep a small group of individuals motivated!

My story is that I have continually through my young adulthood had issues of eating too late, not eating at all, and then it all just piling on. I began the Phase 1 of South Beach diet about 11 days ago and have really seen results. I am also doing the Jillian Michael 30 day Shred DVD as well as running a few days a week to train for a 5k in April!

SW- 165
Goal Weight- 140
Fitness goal- Run a 5k!
Personal goal- Wear a bikini and feel wonderful!

I really hope many will join in on me and share recipes, successes, and frustrations!