Weekends are the worst...

RebekkaAnneee Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I have been doing really good during the week to keep under my calorie goal. But come time for the weekend I have noticed a slight problem. Because I am on the go and out a lot I don't have that much control over what I eat because I don't cook it. How can I continue to stay under my calorie goal while still having fun and not stressing too much about what I am eating? Any tips?


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Wish I did, weekends I gain back three pounds than spend the week losing them again.
  • Try this hun!
    cause weekends are really hard! this is a quick sat sunday kick *kitten* catch up. Hope it helps

  • My wife and I weigh in on Friday mornings. We understand that Friday night, and Saturday a "DANGEROUS" days. What we've done, is start early. We think about where we want to eat, go online, and go over their menus to see what they have in the line of healthier food choices. We've been at this for a month now, so if the restaurant has no way for us to check their foods nutritional value, we may just silently boycott that one.

    Another thing we've started is not really counting every calorie on Saturday. That's our cheat day and we use it to get rid of our cravings. So don't beat yourself up, but find ways to continue living your life. If it becomes a punishment, or very difficult, it may not last.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Weekends are always where I fall down too. What I have started doing lately is trying to increase my exercise at weekends around my plans eg. walk/cycle places instead of getting on the bus. Also, keep a small bag of nuts in your bag in case you get hungry so you don't have to eat an unhealthy snack. When you're out to eat just do your best to choose something sensible, it's usually not hard to find something that isn't terrible. If you're at a friends and they've cooked something that you wouldn't normally eat, either eat less of it, or just accept that it will happen sometimes, and make sure you stick to your plans the rest of the time!
  • Thanks for the tips! :]
  • Weekends are certainly my weakest days. I'm a stay at home mom and weekends are my "days off". They're the days when my husband lets me sleep a little later and we mostly relax around the house. And more often than not, he lets me get out of cooking for the day. Which leads to fast food and/or restaurants (he's no cook himself). I was trying to make more than enough food during the week so that we could just eat left overs on the weekends, but my son has recently begun eating more than my husband! And he's only 5 yrs old!
    The trick I've learned is to eat less and try to fit in more healthy snacks (fruits and veggies) in between those tragic meals. And, if you can, increase your exercise a bit. And looking up nutritional facts is certainly helpful too! These aren't fool proof tips, however, I still go over on the weekends. Just not as badly as before. And sometimes when I feel like I've earned it, I make Saturdays my cheat days. Where I can indulge my cravings. But not too much...
  • ha ha ha - Yup weekends - Think of it this way - more time to cheat/eat, more time to burn!

    Because we're out of our routine - we eat more, but there's also more time to exercise - so just walk the extra calories off. a simple trade off . . .Enjoy!
  • wellnesscoachmegg
    wellnesscoachmegg Posts: 68 Member
    I was thinking about your situation, and wondered, on the weekends are you out and about running errands? Or are you at social events? A mixture? I guess for me, if it's just out and about running errands, I say pack your snacks. After I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I frequently started bringing my own snacks everywhere I went because I didn't want to "get glutened". I realized shortly after that, "why wasn't I doing this before to aid staying on plan?" Maybe if you're having trouble staying within your calories, and are just out and about--thats a workable solution for you. Also, if you're struggling because you're encountering more social events, then packing your snacks might also help you keep your calorie count in check so when you are at social events, you have a little more lee-way to keep portions small of foods that you don't know the calorie count on.

    Another solution is if you're out and about to have a few places you can stop that you know the calorie counts for. More and more restaurant chains/fast food have nutritional information online. It's easy enough to look it up and then you can make a reasonable choice to help you stay on track over the weekends.

    I know it isn't super convenient to have to pack snacks, but for me, this is a lifestyle change. I have changed my caloric intake, but mostly I've changed WHAT I eat. And unfortunately sometimes there isn't a selection of healthy, wholesome foods available--so I make it my business to bring my own! It does get easier as you do it more. Now I can pack a whole days worth of meals and snacks if I need to, in about 15 minutes :) Tupperware for the win!
  • I agree with paperdoll08.

    You have to make it a priority...if you're just running errands and such, you're aware of what you're going to be doing, you should arm yourself with an arsenal of healthy snacks/on the run meals to combat temptation. If it's socializing, you're going to have to practice your fledgling skills at self control and portion sizes.
  • swimz98
    swimz98 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been tracking this activity and calories for 4 weeks now. Friday and Saturday's are my worst too. I eat great during the days(eggs whites, veggies, whole wheat, hummus) but my night "drinks" put me about 300-400 calories over for the day. I guess it is okay to have a cheat day to get rid of cravings but my questions is, "How many calories are okay to go over?" Is 1-2 days with a little over going to throw my whole week off? I get nervous even when I go over 100 calories. My goal is 1220 for the day, and I notice I stay around 1250-1350. Weekends I have been at 1500/day or so.

  • I am socializing more, hanging out at my boyfriends house and going out with friends and such. Thanks for the tips. I think I'll try bringing snacks and maybe saying no to certain foods. You guys are all so helpful I appreciate it! :]
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Oh gosh! This is a constant battle for me. My worst downfall is that if I'm out running around and eat something I wouldn't normally, then when I get home I continue binging because I figure my day is ruined so my as well continue. That is the worst way to go about it. I am working on letting go of the guilt and anger associated with these actions and focUses on the positives. It's a ll a work in progress for me. Good luck and just jump back on track as soon as possible.
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