P90Xers...First Run in 5 weeks... No time drop off

sixpackgoal Posts: 146
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I started P90X at the start of the New Year 2011. I thought being in reasonable shape I could continue running 4 to 5 times a week while doing the P90X workouts. Recently ran half marathon and did some strength training.
Ha Ha. Ha (WRONG) I was wiped out by the workouts. Sure you can dog it and fake it but I leave everything on the mat.
Anyways just felt good enought to run for the first time in about 5 weeks or so.
I did an easy four miler in 32 minutes this morning. ...about the same as before I took mini break from running to do P90X.
My legs felt great and my mild achiles aches were completely gone. ( I am 40 years old) Until now I did not know what aches were.
I guess the heart rate can get high enough to keep your wind while taking a mini break from running. I was suprised.
Anyone else experience this?
I may do this every winter.
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