20lbs and no difference!!!!!!



  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    20 pounds in 3 months - that's 1-2 pounds per week, which is what's reccomended for healthy sustainable weight loss! Sure people lose it faster but often they end up gaining it back. Think about this - you are 20 pounds lighter than you were, and you did not GAIN weight! Be proud and know you are doing it the healthy way. I know it can be frustrating not to have that instant gratification, but good things don't come easy! Keep doing what you are doing, and don't be discouraged! :)
  • Gayalabeille
    Hello Guys,

    Just wanted to thank everybody for their support message. Yesterday I had a bad day (goodcalorie wis actually). I think this is this time of the year again when I am feeling quite low and the weather is not helping.....
    I am not giving up. I have had a very bad few days last week but this week will be a good one!

  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Your only choices are to:
    a) stay the course, make adjustments as needed, and see more progress in weight loss as time goes by; OR
    b) come off your eating program, probably regain the weight you lost and possibly more. :grumble:

    When we think of it that way, we really only have one viable option! Hang in there, you WILL break the plateau and begin to see some significant changes very soon. Try not to see this as a race, but a journey to a long-term lifestyle change. Change may come slowly, but it will definitely come.

    I've lost about 90 lbs so far. It took FOREVER before I could see or feel a pound. I think I lost 30 lbs before there was a change in my clothing size. I only see my mom about twice per year; when I saw her after losing 30 lbs and she said, "you look the same." :frown:

    Plateaus come and go on our journey. We hit them periodically because our bodies are trying to balance the weight loss and catch up with what's happening. It's hard to keep the faith during those times.

    I'm in a plateau now. I only have a few pounds to go, but I'm bloating, so I'm actually GAINING weight. It's really frustrating, but I have to trust the process and know that eventually, the water weight will subside and I will see some progress on the scale and in my clothing size.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member

    I have been in MFP for 3 and half months and lost 20lbs in total. I have a further 57lbs to lose. I am not losing fast because I am very greedy and frankly I have motivativation problem.

    Anyway today I am very very low, I just realised than for the last 3months i have been counting what I eat, I have lost 20lbs and frankly i cannot see the difference, i cannot feel the difference in my clothes or anything. :sad:

    Thinking that it might not be worth it after all and should just enjoy food the way I like it and without moderation :(

    If you a large person, like I am, with starting weight in the 200s, losing 20lbs is not noticable. Once you get medium sized so to speak, when you loose 10lbs will make a huge difference to your apperance. Don't get discouraged.