Thyroid Cancer

Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone. I just started using this site/app a week ago and I love it. I'm curious though if anyone out there has had thyroid cancer or any type of thyroid problems and having to take medication for it?? I'm looking for support from fellow members who are dealing with the same problem.


  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    I dont have Cancer but I have hypothyroidism and I take Levothyroxine for it.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I have Hashimoto's and take levothyroxine.
  • A close friend of mine has had a lot of problems with her thyroid and even had it checked for cancer but it came back negative. They have put her on many different medicines to try and get it under control. She has recently put on I'd say 20 or so pounds from the new stuff she is on and has gone up 2 bra cup sizes. She is very unhappy about it but is hoping when they get it under control things will start going back to the way they were. At least that is what the doctor tells her.
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    I've had Hypothyroidism since age 12. I take Synthroid for mine. Weightloss has been slower for me but I feel tons better now that I'm eating right along with exercising. Add me if you would like!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I have had thyroid cancer a while back and it was taken out completely (with some complications, but well ... I'm still alive). I know what you are going through. So, if you want, you can add me. =^_^=
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks ladies for the responses!!

    I was diagnosed in 2006, started taking Levothyroxin in 2007 and just in 2010 I saw a new Dr who put me on synthroid which I've been on for 3 months now and I feel a ton better. I do another blood test in May to see where I'm at. They haven't been able to get me into a "normal" level and I've done nothing but gain weight. I've tried diets and exercising before but have always given up when I'd see no results except for continuous gaining. I haven't gained any weight in awhile so I feel I'm finally at the right time to try again. It's just so hard cause I feel like no one gets where I'm coming from and have no support cause of it.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I am on my 4th dance with thyroid cancer. Unfortunately, my cancer is resistant to the radiation therapy I've had. I'm in a wait and see situation as the nodule is too small for surgery to be safe to remove it. So far, it hasn't spread and I'm thankful for that.
    I had a complete thyroidectomy in the fall of 2005. The second time I had a cancerous nodule, radiation took care of it but a third one was discovered at my 6 month checkup and I had to have another surgery. And now I have a 4th one.
    I'm on synthroid and eltroxin and alternate doses ... .2 mg and .175.
    Before my last PetScan, I had to go off my meds. I was at my lowest weight in 16 years (208) and within DAYS was up 11 pounds. That was the end of that attempt at dieting and I went back to 248. My highest has been 286. I was always told there was nothing wrong with my thyroid until I met my family doctor that I have now. Thank God for her as I was finally diagnosed properly, unfortunately with thyroid cancer but at least now I knew what I was dealing with.

    I feel tired a lot even though my thyroid levels are "normal". I have to fight to workout and just stick to the treadmill for now. I find the more whole foods I eat, the better I feel.
    I have to say though that I can lose weight pretty fast when my meds are at the proper dose. So far, I've lost 14 lbs since Jan. 14th/11.

    Part of being hypothyroid is that it can mimic bipolar symptoms and depression. When I observe symptoms like that, I go see my doctor to get tested to see if my levels are out of whack.

    Hang in there! Most of all be patient and kind to yourself and know you're not alone in this.

    I have to give this PSA:
    When I first had a needle biopsy, the results came back negative for cancer. The nodules were large enough though for the Dr.s to want my thyroid removed. I'm glad they did. The post surgery biopsy showed that I had cancer.
    I am not the only one who has had this result. A co-workers wife just experienced the same thing.
  • Hi Erica, I recently had the radiation drink to stop my thyroid being over active and I am now currently on medication to get my metabolism right again. As the radiation basically "killed' my thyroid. Within a couple of months I noticed some very unpleasant symptoms.

    Gained 10kg within 6 weeks
    Muscle cramps and sciatica
    A real lack of energy - sleeping for about 12-15 hours a day and needed more
    Irritability and depression

    And while I am not through to the other side yet, I have learned that the person who can best help me is me. So it is important to have regular blood tests to check where your levels are, take your medication and if you see no improvement in your energy levels within a few weeks go back to the doctor. It is about trial and error with getting the levels right and unfortunately that can take a while.

    Also unfortunately because you will be feeling so tired and probably suffering from muscle fatigue as well, it is extremely hard to feel motivated about diet and exercise. But even something is better than nothing. I gave up on my daily exercise routine and that was a mistake, so I have started back just doing as much as I can.

    I have to say I am finding this site extremely helpful, to keep me motivated and to help track what I am eating. It isn't fair but with your metabolism all out of whack, you will find you have to reduce what you eat because your body just isn't working properly.

    All the best

  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I am on my 4th dance with thyroid cancer. Unfortunately, my cancer is resistant to the radiation therapy I've had. I'm in a wait and see situation as the nodule is too small for surgery to be safe to remove it. So far, it hasn't spread and I'm thankful for that.
    I had a complete thyroidectomy in the fall of 2005. The second time I had a cancerous nodule, radiation took care of it but a third one was discovered at my 6 month checkup and I had to have another surgery. And now I have a 4th one.
    I'm on synthroid and eltroxin and alternate doses ... .2 mg and .175.
    Before my last PetScan, I had to go off my meds. I was at my lowest weight in 16 years (208) and within DAYS was up 11 pounds. That was the end of that attempt at dieting and I went back to 248. My highest has been 286. I was always told there was nothing wrong with my thyroid until I met my family doctor that I have now. Thank God for her as I was finally diagnosed properly, unfortunately with thyroid cancer but at least now I knew what I was dealing with.

    I feel tired a lot even though my thyroid levels are "normal". I have to fight to workout and just stick to the treadmill for now. I find the more whole foods I eat, the better I feel.
    I have to say though that I can lose weight pretty fast when my meds are at the proper dose. So far, I've lost 14 lbs since Jan. 14th/11.

    Part of being hypothyroid is that it can mimic bipolar symptoms and depression. When I observe symptoms like that, I go see my doctor to get tested to see if my levels are out of whack.

    Hang in there! Most of all be patient and kind to yourself and know you're not alone in this.

    I have to give this PSA:
    When I first had a needle biopsy, the results came back negative for cancer. The nodules were large enough though for the Dr.s to want my thyroid removed. I'm glad they did. The post surgery biopsy showed that I had cancer.
    I am not the only one who has had this result. A co-workers wife just experienced the same thing.

    I hear ya!! Between 2007-2009 I had to have the scan done and that's when I gained a ton cause of having to go off the meds!! Glad to hear it hasn't spread anywhere else though, I guess a good thing about thyroid cancer is it grows slowly. Mine was the size of a tennis ball and they couldn't estimate when I probably got it. Just glad i went into the Dr one day and he noticed my large neck and demanded all these tests.
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    Yes girls, I too am in your same boat. I had an underactive thyroid diagnosed at age 18 with you called it, weight gain. I was ok until the goiter I had in my neck from Hoshimoto's Thyroiditis caused the goiter to start growing into my throat and I would choke on the littlest things like a Tootsie Roll. I had surgery and had the whole thyroid removed and they too found cancer on my thyroid. I did not have to have radiation due to the size of the cancer, thank God. I have been on Levoxothyroxine for 21 years and won't ever be able to go off of it. The more I lose the more they adjust my meds, which is good.
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I have had Hashimoto's since 22 and have been off and on with medications since (I am 43) based on my numbers. My Dr. wants to remove my Thyroid now due to nodules and a goiter. I have had the nodules biospied about 10 yrs ago and they were beign (at least hopefully based on the posts) and they have grown since then. Every pound I lose is a struggle but I find exercise does wonders.
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism around 15 years ago. My family was grateful for the diagnosis because they thought I was going into clinical depression. The doctor put me on synthyroid. I read Mark Hyman’s book, Ultrametabolism, about integrative medicine. I decided that I wanted to go on natural thyroid, Armour. My present doctor refused to prescribe Armour. According to my research, Armour has active T3 and T4 while synthroid only has T4.
    I researched doctors and found an integrative doctor. He introduced me to “Green Miracle” a probotic powder but didn’t put me on Armour. Instead, he wanted me to order my thyroid medication from his pharmacist in Upstate NY. After awhile, I strongly suggested Armour. He wouldn’t give me a normal Armor prescription across the counter.
    I found another integrative doctor recommended from a pharmacist. The third doctor was the charm. I am still on Armour. Eventually, my family also started seeing this doctor. I continue to work with my doctor and follow Dr. Hyman's blog. However, I am 40 pounds heavier than I want to be.
    Thank you for starting this topic. Please add me as your friend.
  • Michmag
    Michmag Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Erica,

    Are you still with MFP? Post thyroid cancer and radiation. Age 48. Did well after surgery and radiation but now gained 10 pounds goofing off and having harder time dropping. In the past I could do with some good old hard work. Oncologists says it is my age. But I do not think so. Looking for support from others with same! Anyone else out there with same-Feel free to add me.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Erica,

    Are you still with MFP? Post thyroid cancer and radiation. Age 48. Did well after surgery and radiation but now gained 10 pounds goofing off and having harder time dropping. In the past I could do with some good old hard work. Oncologists says it is my age. But I do not think so. Looking for support from others with same! Anyone else out there with same-Feel free to add me.

    Totally!! My dr told me because of having the thyroid problem, a "normal" person that can do 60 minutes of cardio, I need to do 90 minutes to achieve those same results!!
  • LL108
    LL108 Posts: 3 Member
    Totally me too!! 10-12 lbs and puffy an my age 43...I'm so frustrated
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