Low Carb v/s Low Fat...which is better long term?



  • Sweetiegrl
    If i worried about counting my carbs, my fat, my protein all the time I'd be a complete mess!!! I jsut enetr my food and watch the calories. I only notice I eat a little extra protein than my set amount but everything else seems fine. I do agree with Tami....she must have done something right if she lost 186 POUNDS!!! Just sayin'
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Tami is a rock star! She's been in People (I think) and the Joy Fit Club. Tami is one of my weight loss heroes.
  • chuckanderson
    You need fat. This is documented, known, proved, accepted. You actually need quite a bit to maintain proper hormone (steroid, cholesterol, markers, etc) levels. I think most people aim for .5 g / lb lean body weight (NOT total body weight).

    You do not need a moderate level of carbs. Your brain can only burn glucose but that's why we have a pathway called gluconeogenesis..... we make what we need for those organs that can't do other pathways.

    There is a benefit to quick simple carbs- taken after a workout you can spike blood glucose levels / insulin levels that (along with strong amino acid levels) will help deter muscle degredation. This is the only time I eat pure, simple, carbs... And most of the time I don't even eat complex ones unless they fit into my daily caloric goal and are convienient (work lunch I'm particularly fond of).
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Neither one is good at all unless a Dr. put you on it because of an extreme health condition. Low fat probably the worst. You need ample fats, even saturated in your diet. Most people should be fine on 30/40/30 Protein/Carb/Fat ratios when the protein is lean, the carbs are predominantly fruits/veggie/nuts, and the fats are healthy ones including enough saturated fat.

    There was a comment about why anyone would need 60% carbs. An endurance athlete would as they train to their peak right before their events. At least in some of those training circles. P90X even puts you there are a month.

    You can always nudge them around a little.

    How many of us here are seriously endurance athletes? I was more referring to the average person, I would like to think that if you are in fact, and endurance athlete, you know what you should be eating .
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Tami is a rock star! She's been in People (I think) and the Joy Fit Club. Tami is one of my weight loss heroes.

    Thank you, Not people, but on the Today Show and on My local news show, NEW DAY NORTH WEST.

    I know what worked for me, and that was never , not once, did I ever do " low fat" or " Low Carb" I simply kept all within the 35,35,30 % range and I have been able to succeed. I think because I didnt limit any of them is making it a bit easier to maintain. But that is just my thoughts....
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    I've read the articles and to be honest I can't take them all that serious for many reasons, but I won't get into that here. I would love to have a discussion with you about our different views on this subject, but I don't think this is the right time and place for it :-)

    It's ideology, not science--that might be one reason.