Support and Friends definitely help!!

Hi, I am new to this site, a friend at work recommended it and so far so good, the calorie counter really convinces me to exercise. I think I am a food addict!
I am currently 302 pounds and need to get down to about 220 or less to be healthy. I would like conversation about anything really with others in a similar predicament!


  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, this site really does work, makes you think before you eat. I started out at 370 an I want to lose about 120, 19 lbs down in just under two weeks. Feel free to add me if you would like.
    i was 304 lbs 4 weeks ago know how you feel. frend me if you like and we will see what we can do about our problem.
  • sherri31
    Ive been doing this about 4 weeks and ive lost 10 lbs. i find putting all my food in my diary everyday makes me not want to cheat cause ill feel guilty. goodluck.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I may not have as much to lose as you, but I am a food addict too!!! I was also a couch potato until last spring when I finally decided to start running! My Mom is a motivator because she is also overweight and sedentary and is now diabetic and having complications from that (purple feet anyone/??) I don't want to turn into her but was well on my way!!! I've been tracking now again for a few weeks and I truly love this site! I workout usually 4 days a week, sometimes more, sometimes less... and I'm actually becoming addicted to exercise!!!! Never, EVER thought that would happen. Even if all you can do right now is walk, do it often and do it as hard as you can. You WILL see a difference if you watch your calories!!

    Good luck... we are ALL in the same place, I'm losing these pounds for the LAST time!!!
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have been using it for a little over a month, and I love this site! I have officially lost 8 pounds since beginning, with basically just watching my caloric intake and such. Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to support you on your journey to become a thinner you.