hungry girl. im disappointed!

Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 23 in Recipes
i signed up to get HG recipes almost a week ago, and i have yet to get anything since getting the confirmation email. i thought they sent out DAILY recipes?!


  • Have you checked your spam/junk/bulk folder?
  • yes
  • Oh...then I dunno lol! Sorry
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    :smile: If you still have the first email. It should have asked you to add the hungrygirl email to your friends/contact list so they can send messages. Read through your first email if you still have it. I bet thats the problem. I thought it was weird I have never had a company ask me to add them as a contact list. But I did and I get the emails all the time and love them. This maybe a way of making sure that they are not getting bogus email addresses, IDK. Good luck. :wink:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I just signed up, and I thought it said weekly emails, not daily.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    I was signed up and she did. But they were full of unhealthy processed food, so I kicked her to the curb! I also unfriended her on facebook because her high sodium, low calorie at any cost philiosphy disappointed me!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I still subscribe--for ideas more than anything. My main objection is all of the preprocessed single-serving foods she uses. Not only are they processed more that I like, all that packaging is not good for the planet.

    But I do get some good recipe ideas from her that I then adapt or modify using better products.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I subscribe, and sometimes get great ideas (and the Butternut Squash fries are a staple in my diet!). I don't like the single serving packaging, either, but it's helpful for some people while they're learning portion control, so it has a purpose.
  • I get weekly emails and I also tape her show every saturday. My husband likes some of the meals I have made form her show:)
  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    I get emails every day, but I've been on the list for a while. Did you confirm your subscription?
  • cattiemac
    cattiemac Posts: 251 Member
    I was signed up and she did. But they were full of unhealthy processed food, so I kicked her to the curb! I also unfriended her on facebook because her high sodium, low calorie at any cost philiosphy disappointed me!

    Same here - I took my name off the mailing list because of all the processed foods her recipes call for!!!
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    I was signed up and she did. But they were full of unhealthy processed food, so I kicked her to the curb! I also unfriended her on facebook because her high sodium, low calorie at any cost philiosphy disappointed me!

    Same here, too. Someone on this site suggested Her recipes are amazing! I've made 4 so far, making another today. My friends on Facebook are probably tired of hearing about it already :)
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    Same here - I took my name off the mailing list because of all the processed foods her recipes call for!!!

    At first I loved her, thought she was great, but I think I also took her ideas and suggestions, and then made them mine and outed the processed food.

    It just came to the point where I got 1-2 emails daily, and a lot of them were pushing lean cuisines and amy's canned soups and a lot of other processed meals she likes that blow my days worth of sodium.

    On her facebook page, she would also post things like " Who hates nasty parsley" or "does anything else think (insert vegetable here) is NASTY"

    It also worried me that she was always complaining about being so starving and needing huge bowls of oatmeal or cereal or tofu shirataki noodles or whatever to keep her full. Based on what she would say she eats, the reason she is always so hungry is probably the lack of balanced nutritious meals. 3 apple cinnamon vitatops wont fill you like half a whole grain bagel, some light cream cheese, and an apple! I strongly believe everything should balance what they eat to keep them full longer.

    I just felt she was for everything I dislike about good food and nutrition. I think calorie counting is HUGE but you need to make sure those calories count.

    Sorry for the soapbox! I go a little bananas over people mistaking dieting fads with heath and nutrition. All done now :blushing:
  • horsehelpnow
    horsehelpnow Posts: 35 Member
    I also recommend, if only I found that site earlier. I have made over a dozen recipe from there and the whole family has loved every one of them. I was surprised at how Yummy the food was.
  • med280679
    med280679 Posts: 3 Member
    You can get daily recipe emails when you sign up with
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think of her site sort of as "harm reduction." There are a lot of problems with her recipes, which have already been discussed above (processed foods, high sodium, high sugar). It's not great for you, but it can be useful for things like desserts, mixed drinks, and junk food cravings. I have used some of her recipies for parties. I don't think she's bad as long as you are picky (her butternut squash and pumpkin suggestions are great) and use sparingly.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    I think of her site sort of as "harm reduction." There are a lot of problems with her recipes, which have already been discussed above (processed foods, high sodium, high sugar). It's not great for you, but it can be useful for things like desserts, mixed drinks, and junk food cravings. I have used some of her recipies for parties. I don't think she's bad as long as you are picky (her butternut squash and pumpkin suggestions are great) and use sparingly.

    Your right!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    But I did learn you can use a can of peas in guacamole, and less avocados, and make a divine guac.... But I agree with you guys, HG is not that great.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I had a look at the site after hearing about it here. But I was very disappointed by the amount of processed food she uses. I even managed to get a look at one of her cookbooks, but again it was full of processed rubbish. I've no doubt you would lose weight following her guide lines, but you I dont think you'd feel very healthy.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Just signed up 3 days ago, and I have received emails every day!
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