
hi i'm holly, i am trying this cause my daughter told me about it, i have the hardest time sticking to diets cause when i go to work someone always brings in yummy snacks. its hard to walk away, but hey i'm giving it a shot, my daughter and i can do it, i just need help once in awhile.


  • SavannahM09
    I have faith in you! Stick to your guns! It's going to be a long journey, but worth it in the end, I'm sure!
  • sherri31
    You can do it momma. We will keep eachother motivated. Tell them at work no more snackies.
  • Jodie_Wilson9
    Welcome! I think you'll find the site very helpful. It's helped me a lot in being more mindful of what I eat throughout the day. I really like food, and sometimes I'll eat something just because I like it so much! It's terrible and great in one. :embarassed: I've only been using MFP since Jan. 31, so tomorrow will be a week for me. Yet, it's already made me more aware without giving me some sort of nervous complex counting calories. Because it does all of the math, and it's fairly simple to understand (if not, there are informative/helpful threads that lay it all out), it's easy to log food AND exercise. With the great people you'll find here, and your awesome daughter, I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish your goal! I wish you the best of luck! You can do it! It may take a while, but hang in there! :bigsmile:
  • hollyhen
    i'm trying so hard, exercise is hard to do especially after being on my feet in steel toed shoes all day, i know i need to but god some days my osteo is so painfull.