Hello All

Hi all,

I am probably one of many overweight, obese individuals that have made a new years resolution to lose weight; however, I will be one of the few that not only introduces my body to the gym but also change my lifestyle to be more active and healthier. I have been using the myfitnesspal app for 2 weeks now and spent 1 to 2 hours in the gym since January 8th. Although I have only seen minimal results on the scale (3 lbs lost since start), I am beginning to see differences in my waist line and other parts of my body. I plan on using this online community to answer many questions and I hope to gain much encouragement in the process.

Thank you.


  • sherri31
    3lbs is great. Its super nice when you can see it. You are going to do great. Look forward to hearing about your progress. good luck