kosher diet?

i was wondering if anyone here is on a kosher diet and how that works in terms of weight loss? Does it help or not, and any advice for me? thanks


  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    keeping kosher... isn't a weight loss plan. how strict are you thinking? you could keep kosher and eat very well (eating lots of whole foods, well-prepared and hopefully ethically-cared-for-animals), or you could eat badly (gorging on Manischewitz chocolate matzos, macaroons, kosher marshmallows, fried things in general...).

    why would you do it unless it meant something to you in a spiritual way? i'm jewish and i suppose i sort of keep kosher by default (generally i eat vegetarian), but it isn't meaningful to me. for others, it is, and that's fine. i just don't know why you would do it for weight loss...
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    In terms of animals, I am pretty kosher, although it is not religious for me, I am Baptist...

    Anywhoo..I don't eat pork, bottom feeders (oysters, catfish, crawfish, etc). I do eat shrimp occasionally...and I mean, maybe once a year, I could really take it or leave it. Otherwise I don't eat things things because they are nasty. It has nothing to do with kosher...but this is from the woman who boils chicken, then rinses it, then shreds it to make sure there are no veins or skin or gunk in it *shudder*
  • CanAReallyGetThin
    keeping kosher... isn't a weight loss plan. how strict are you thinking? you could keep kosher and eat very well (eating lots of whole foods, well-prepared and hopefully ethically-cared-for-animals), or you could eat badly (gorging on Manischewitz chocolate matzos, macaroons, kosher marshmallows, fried things in general...).

    why would you do it unless it meant something to you in a spiritual way? i'm jewish and i suppose i sort of keep kosher by default (generally i eat vegetarian), but it isn't meaningful to me. for others, it is, and that's fine. i just don't know why you would do it for weight loss...
    well i meant resticting certain meats and not eating dairy and meat together, does that do anything- i was also wondering if anyone is eating kosher and has any trouble dieting
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    ehh, i would say it probably doesn't do much in terms of weight loss. my best suggestion would be to eat as many whole foods as you can - the less processed the better. there is a lot of science to back up low-carb or 'paleo' lifestyles, but not everything works exactly the same way for everyone. again, kosher or not, i highly suggest just eating less-processed foods, eating less in general, but not completely restricting anything. oh, and getting sleep is good too!!