I need HELP!

es5864 Posts: 28
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I have been a very bad dieter the last two days. I'm not sure if I've just been depressed but I have pigged out a little bit while I still recover from my surgery and haven't been able to work out much. I need some motivation to keep going and start counting again and working out tomorrow! Or tonight!! Help with some encouraging words!


  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Hey, you just had surgery. Had to take it easy and maybe over-indulged a lil bit. Now all you have to do is just go back to what you were doing before. If you feel good enough or can, go for a nice walk. Start counting those calories again and hit the pavement running, All of us MFPers got your back and you can do it.
  • hoodval
    hoodval Posts: 2 Member
    Hey take this one day at a time. Today you did the best you could tomorrow you can do better. Take a look at what you are eating maybe your body needs more food to recover from surgery and it is manifesting as cravings for the bad stuff. .:happy:
  • I think you will be fine. The fact that you are annoyed that you have been "bad" the last couple days is the first step. I think it just takes the mind set of saying no more. Maybe your body does need more foods to recover from surgery but more foods does not mean pizza and ice cream. If you are feeling famished because your body is working harder to recover than try to eat healthy things with lots of vitamins. Also eat things like probiotic yogurts because they probably have you on anti-biotics. Anyway, good luck and just stay focused. Make a plan and stick to it. I hope you have a full and healthy recovery.
  • Hi Emily, I was meaning to check in with you anyway, then I saw your post. Feeling down and in recovery from surgery takes its toll on people. You are going to get through this and become inspired again. Sometimes I get motivated by looking at magazines, or shopping online for new clothes, even if I don't buy anything, just to see what I want to wear. Then remember that weight loss takes time. We are so conditioned to want it so fast and our society is so focused on immediate gratification, but slow and steady is the key to lifestyle changes. So you have had a few rough days.... you have new choices to make tomorrow and can approach the day with your plan of just sticking to your calories and drinking your water. If you do that, you'll be right back on track. I believe in you. Jill
  • What you did yesterday is done, but today is a new day, make it the best you can. Relax while you recover, and take it easy on yourself as well, don't beat yourself up about it. When you're feeling better you'll be able to get back on the exercise horse. For now your body needs to have your brain not stressing about it.

    You're a strong and wonderful person, and you will get thru this. Keep your head up and good luck!
  • You have to remember that any excess weight you're carrying didn't appear over night so it won't disappear over night!
    While you're recovering from surgery you need to give yor body what it needs and so you shouldn't feel too bad about having given in to those cravings.
    That was yesterday and yesterday has gone, you can't do anything about that but what you can do is make sure that you have a better tomorrow.
    I find it helps if I plan my meals the day before. that way I know what to eat to stay within my calorie goal......it doesn't work for everyone but it's just a suggestion.
    If exercise isn't an option at the moment because of your surgery, even walking up and down the stairs a few times is a start!
    If you're struggling with your calorie goals I find it helpful to have a nosey at other peoples food diaries to get some inspiration.

    You've already taken the first step by saying you want to do this, take it one day at a time, allow yourself an occasional treat by working it into your calorie allowance that way you won't feel like you're being deprived of anything and will be less likely to stray.

    ....and finally, GOOD LUCK!!! you CAN do it!!
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