Not sure where to put this...

edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
This is completely random, but I am EXTREMELY allergic to nickel, which I am almost positive theres a lot of it in my shower water, as I have had a terrible rash over my entire body since I moved into my apartment.
I am getting desperate, and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out a way to filter it out?


  • ...nickel in your water? i've never heard of anything like that...

    maybe go to walmart or somewhere like lowes and see if they have filters for shower heads?
  • You can purchase filters for your showerheads, indeed. You can also check with your water utility company and get a report on what percentages of foreign material is present in your water.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It might be your pipes or the shower head itself, it's not likely that it would be in your water. You can find shower head filters at any hardware store, that should help.
  • I am allergic to lots of things. The last thing that made be break out in a rash was diuretics prescribed along with my blood pressure med. Drove me nuts itching all over. Went away when I stopped taking the diuretics, the rash/itching went away.
  • I'm allergic to a ton of things. I dont know if it's my water or not, it's a university owned apartment so I'm not sure I even can change the showerhead. I have been to the dermatologist, had biopsies done, I'm miserable, and very self conscious about it, the dermatologist couldnt even figure otu what was wrong, but I think I finally figured this out and I hate that there might not even be anything I can do about it.
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