anyone doin insanity by sean t

was wondering if anyone is doin or had done insanity by sean t and if so how did i go did u enjoy it and how much did u lose


  • ncoggins
    I did Insanity for about 6 weeks around this time last year and then I had to stop. I suffered an injury in my left knee because of all the rapid squats he has in the program, so I had to stop. However, even though I had the injury, I enjoyed every minute of it up until the time I told myself I had to stop for the good of my knee. In terms of advice: Definitely stretch, definitely make sure to pace yourself, drink your recovery formula (or a protein bar would do!) and definitely tell yourself to just keep moving your body even though it may seem really really hard. You will love it and even if you may not see any results on the scale right off the bat (because you're building up so much muscle... and for som reason, women tend not to lose that much weight on Beach Body programs like this...), you'll definitely see a change in your arms and your stamina.

    Have fun and be safe!