Protein Diet??

kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
There is a weight loss clinic in the area where I live and the option that alot of pple seem to be losing on is this:
For the first 3 days you are supposed to eat all protien nothing else...starting on day for there are certain fruits and veggies that can be added back.

I have to admit that I have thought about trying this but wanted to get some input first? Has anyone tried this before?


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    i know i could not do it! nor would i want it too.. love fruit and veg !:~)
  • cathych
    cathych Posts: 19 Member
    Atkins is basically the same thing. These diets work great until you eat some pasta.
  • There's various articles out there about how BAD a high protein, low carb diet is. Carbs are one of the things that give you energy. To much protein is just as bad for you as to little.

    The same for high carb, low protein diets. You need a balanced amount of both. Most of those losing weight on the high something, lower something diets will just regain the weight, as they haven't learned to eat correctly.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    From what I have read in many nutrition books is that low carb diets will allow you to loose weight. However, a lot of that weight is from loosing muscle mass. Also, when eating a lot of protein you have to make sure to drink a lot (I mean a lot) of water to get rid of the extra your body doesn't use.

    It may work, but I would recommend using great caution. Try checking with a health care professional or nutritionist first.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    It sounds like the sugar busters diet. I think Atkins isn't as strict. I tried it back in the day. I love my carbs so it was a big adjustment for me. And, it's nearly impossible to eliminate carbs entirely. It's def. something that you will want to do as your perminant lifestyle choice, otherwise what's the point? I like to follow the 25%/25%/50% of Healthy Fat/ Carbs/Protein.
    Also, if this diet tells you that things like bacon and pork rinds are a good choice than I'd reconsider their knowledge.
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I was on a high protein diet years ago and it did work. But I'm convinced the only way to lose weight and be healthy is to eat a balanced diet. So I'd forget the gimmicks and just learn to eat right!
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I was on a high protein diet years ago and it did work. But I'm convinced the only way to lose weight and be healthy is to eat a balanced diet. So I'd forget the gimmicks and just learn to eat right!
  • I tried the Mend-a-body diet, which is what this sounds very much like. I made it through 1 and 3/4 days. It is very draining on your body at first during the detox period because of the lack of consumption. I stopped and decided to just make much better choices with the foods I ate and have been much happier doing that.

    However, with that said, this diet can work for many people if followed the right way and you feel confident enough in sticking with it. I went from eating whatever I wanted to this and it was worse than when I quit smoking cold-turkey 5 1/2 years ago.

    Good luck with whatever you do decide!
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    That's a great way to lose some water weight for a brief time. Gimmick.
  • i did the protein diet 4x and lost tons of weight all 4 x but gained it all back and not because i have bad eating habits but because to maintain the weight lost you need to continue taking those protein bars and all and no longer eat carbs and what not,
    i really don't recommend it i actually busted my system because of it, now its very very very hard to loose weight and i eat very healthy always have
    so just eat properly count your calories, watch your portions and do something you can do your whole life,
    that's my opinion
    you can do it!
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    I think that I should have posted this don't just eat protien it is a very strict version of the South Beach Diet...not just complete protein and starting on day four you add back veggies and fruits but there is just a list that you chose from. This diet is from a MD and is monitored. Thanks for all the input!
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