Vitamin B/Chromium Picolinate to Curb Junk Food Cravings

So there was a Dr. Oz segment on GMA last week where he talked about sugar/junk food actually being an addiction like a drug. I COMPLETELY feel like that is true for me, so I took a portion of his advice, which was to start taking Vitamin B Complex and Chromium Picolinate, which are supposed to help "detox" you and break the cravings. Just curious if anyone knows anything about this. The rest of his advice included things like replacing all grains with broccoli/cauliflower for a week, but not sure I can do that.....vitamins, I can take!! Here's a link to his segment if anyone's interested:


  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
  • lradloff
    lradloff Posts: 59 Member
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    That sounds very interesting. Thank you for passing on the information.
    Let us know if this is working for you.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have never tried this; however, I do know that it is true fact that they are like an alcohol addiction. I love the program I am on because it has taught me the right way to eat which does not include any of these foods, therefore, I no longer crave them. Love having them out of my life!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
  • sconnors16
    I don't post much on the message boards....what does "Bump" mean?
  • katzplay62
    A bump is to put the topic back on the first page.
  • kassle
    Bump just means that the post was made to "bump" it to the top of the posts again. Folks who may be interested in an answer, and just post so that it's more visible.

    I tried the chromium picolinate for a few weeks and didn't see where it helped that much. Although I had never heard of doing it with the B Complex. I stopped taking it because I was getting headaches that would last three days and after an MRI and they couldn't find anything wrong, my doctor told me to stop taking it as headaches are a side effect.

    I still have almost a full bottle and may try them again, but if the headaches start back up, I'll know it was them.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Bumpity Bump:bigsmile:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Better watch taking the Chromium Pollinate. Can be hard on the liver.
  • sconnors16
    I was wondering if there were any negative side effects, but I figured the positives must outweigh the negatives for Dr. Oz to recommend it. I'm skeptical about some of his theories though....
  • padigirl
    Bump :sad:

    I bump when I'm at work and don't have time to read the links or reply. I like to come back to see what the rest of MFP's have to say about the topic.

    I did see that on Good Morning America but was at work when the Dr. Oz show was on. Could the headaches come from stopping the sugar?
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    Of note: Chromium Picolinate likes to leach iron out of you.
  • cokolina
    cokolina Posts: 48
    It is really working for me. I read lots of articles saying that the chromium GTF is better than chromium picolinate so i choose the gtf and after 3 days i have to say that is really working and i have some huge problems controlling myself around sugarr, chocolate, cake ecc...

    It's not expensive, give it a try :)

    and type into google : chromiums gtf weight loss or chromium weight forum

    I >ou have to be carefull with picolinate version, there are not that much research on it, so i would choouse the GTF version, that has many studies done on it and a lot of testimonials too.
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    I worked in a health foood shop for a year and had a lot of training including learning about all the different supplements. Chromium picolonate was always one we reccommended and had postitive feedback. But I would highly reccomend it - it regualtes sugar cravings/levels. I've used it before and found it helped a lot - I used it for two months and whilst at first I still wanted sugary food out of habit, I soon realised I wasn't craving them anymore adn after the two months I was so used to not eating them so much i didn't go back to snacking on lots of sugar.

    It basically works by working when energy is released from cells and so works with fat and glucose metabolism. It maintains blood sugar levels (well helps to) which in effect can control your appetite! If you're diabetic make sure you consult your doctor (and its suitable for vegetarians!)

    Best of luck!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Interesting post.

    I have just started to take B12 -- a coworker of mine is taking if for memory / concentration, and she said it was also giving her more energy. So I thought I would try it.

    Anyone else have experience with B12? I would love to hear the results of the B Complex as well.
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    So there was a Dr. Oz segment on GMA last week where he talked about sugar/junk food actually being an addiction like a drug. I COMPLETELY feel like that is true for me, so I took a portion of his advice, which was to start taking Vitamin B Complex and Chromium Picolinate, which are supposed to help "detox" you and break the cravings. Just curious if anyone knows anything about this. The rest of his advice included things like replacing all grains with broccoli/cauliflower for a week, but not sure I can do that.....vitamins, I can take!! Here's a link to his segment if anyone's interested:

    I can tell everybody that is sooo true. 3 years ago. I didn't eat anything greasy, no sugar, no bleached flour, no soda, no coffee, and absolute zero fast food. I lost almost 100 lbs. But I tell people it's like being a crack head. I gave myself one free day and I have been strung out every since!! I gained all that weight back plus 40lbs
  • internationalmf
    I took chromium for about a month and it REALLY helps regulate insulin.
    I lost all need to binge on sugar and I didn't even really notice it but I was craving more savoury (real) foods rather than sweet.
    The effect stops after a month or so- meaning that your body will naturally stop craving sugar after a month of training it to be off simple sugars so I don't take it anymore. But I truly noticed a difference.
    I binge on cake, pastries, candy etc like crazy (i.e. will buy a dozen/box of pastries to "share" or for "the week" and end up eating them within a few hours...seriously....). When I took chromium I lost my desire for simple sugars completely.

    As for b-complex- I just take b12- I can lean on the anemic side.
    b12 + caffeine is a good combo to keep you going (that's pretty much the combo in redbull.
    So I take b12 in the morning. Dunno if it does anything but I need to supplement my diet anyway,
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I was wondering if there were any negative side effects, but I figured the positives must outweigh the negatives for Dr. Oz to recommend it. I'm skeptical about some of his theories though....

    I'm not a Dr. Oz fan. I think he is getting into weight loss without much background in it. Isn't he just an "all-around" doctor? I could be wrong....but I know that most Dr.'s don't have that much training in nutrition.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Interesting post.

    I have just started to take B12 -- a coworker of mine is taking if for memory / concentration, and she said it was also giving her more energy. So I thought I would try it.

    Anyone else have experience with B12? I would love to hear the results of the B Complex as well.

    I take a B complex everyday because I don't eat it helps get in the B vitamins that I'd be lacking. Really...I don't notice a difference if I take it or not.