meghan171 Posts: 80
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing GREAT this week/weekend! Working out every day & staying under my calorie goal. Yesterday for the super bowl I made one alcoholic drink that I took two sips of & poured out. I drank diet coke the rest of the night. I was surrounded by cookies, buffalo wings, sandwiches, chili, chips, pizza, etc .. Instead, the ONLY thing I ate was some fruit that I brought along. I didn't even sneak and have ONE bad thing! I woke up this morning & weighed exactly the same thing I've weighed for almost a week now!! How have I not lost ANYTHING!?


  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    What kind of workouts are you doing and what is your daily calorie goal?
  • I know how u feel I have been at this for 3 wks and have only lost 2 lbs.... I hipe things get better:grumble:
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Are you only relying on the scales to measure your progress ? If so then you could be hiding loss of fat by gain of muscle.

    For example - I lost 3 lbs this week, I also lost 1.5% of body fat - so over all given my weight I lost 6 lbs of fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle.

    Muscle is more dense than fat so I will get smaller, thinner, toned and trimmed but still weigh the same.

    If you look at measuing yourself (neck, waist, hips) as well as weight then you might see a smaller you at the same weight.
  • I usually do the Elliptical for 1 hour on the Weight Loss setting which changes intervals to make it more difficult. I can't do much Strength Training because I have Fibromyalgia so it tends to put me in a lot of pain. That's one of the reasons I don't run either. I can walk fast & at an incline, but once I start running it hurts my knees. After the Elliptical I do some of the moves that my Cardio Kickboxing instructor taught me. I was taking that class twice a week.. but lately I've been working on the days it's going on so I haven't attended in a couple weeks. My calorie goal is 1200 (about 1750 once I add my workout in), but I haven't even come close to that! I've been trying so hard lately & I feel like it's not showing. I don't know if it's because I'm down to the last 10 pounds, so those are always the hardest .. ??
  • MegViking
    MegViking Posts: 7 Member
    Being a veteran of Diet Coke and Coke Zero drinking, I'll tell you why. Have you been lifting weights and have you been drinking water? Also, how close are you to your monthly lady time? These are all things to consider. Diet Coke is loaded with sodium, which makes me swell up like a balloon. I can lose 2-3 lbs by drinking just water for a day or two (and you're probably the same.) Also, if you're lifting weights, as someone said before you could be gaining muscle. If you're doing both, it could be a combination thereof. And of course, most girls gain a couple of pounds in water for a week before their, well, you know. I wouldn't freak out about it.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    The last 5 to 10 pounds is always the hardest to lose. Make sure you are eating enough (minimum of 1200 net calories) eat back some of the exercise calories as well. If you consume a lot of sodium drink lots of water to flush it out.

    Don't let this discourage you--I hit a mini plateau for a week or so then started to lose again-just stick with it and congrats for eating healthy during suerbowl :)
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    I am SO feeling your pain right now....I'm down to my last five or six pounds, and I am in exactly the same boat as you. I've MADE SURE to eat enough calories (but never too many), AND I'm working out intensely four days a week, and the scale hasn't changed in a week now....I haven't gained, but I haven't lost anything, either. I am so frustrated today! I even stayed at my 1,200 calorie goal during the Superbowl yesterday. It's so frustrating to feel like you're doing everything right, and not see any results on the scale! Hopefully you'll see a loss in the next day or two!
  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    I have heard the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose.... if you can, cut out the sodas completely (even the diet ones), just drink water.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I don't know how tall you are but if you're anywhere near my height (5'6") then at your current weight of just under 130lb I always hit a bit of a plateau. The body just needs to get used to it for a bit. It starts losing again when it's good and ready.

    The good news is you have age on your side.

    Just be a bit patient.
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