New, looking for support, longtime weight yo-yo-er


For as long as I can remember, I've struggled with my weight. I finally got it under control about 6 years ago, but over the last 2.5 years my weight has crept up, at first slowly (15 lbs over 2 years), and then very quickly (about 35 lbs in 6 months). My clothes don't fit and it feels horrible. I could really use some support from people who can empathize.




  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    its hard but you can do it good luck
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Yea, Ive been there. Tried all the diets out there--they were all so hard to stick with--to much work. I love the program I am on now. So easy. Good luck to you!
  • shellywoodworth
    shellywoodworth Posts: 75 Member
    I know how you feel, I gained 45 pounds over the course of two years. I went from a size 6 to a 14, hated to look in a mirror. In November I started really using this site and have lost 25 pounds in between a size 10-8. whoo hoo! This site is really great, lots of support from people going through the same struggle. Keep your head up and do the work and you will see things change.
  • Gennawest
    dedication, perserverance, and hardwork. You are able! Find a pair of jeans you want to fit into- and keep those as a goal. Everyonce and a while, try to put them on again, and before you know it-- it wil become easier and easier, and they will fit much better. That always helps me. Im not a professional- but I have lost 19 lbs in about a month (the tracker on this thing is wrong, i entered the wrong number when i started). You are more than able to do the same! Hope all work out well.
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    HI, I am new today too, so with you all the way!
  • Katcatters
    Katcatters Posts: 90 Member
    One day at a time and you'll get there - dont beat yourself up about the "blips", keep focused on the end result and you win!
  • Lola_B
    Lola_B Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's so great to know that there is a support system out there of people who understand.

    I know how to do lose the weight, it's just a matter of really dedicating myself to it/ making healthy eating a priority.