Man Cave - General Discussion



  • kilojoule
    Yeah, I had a friend that every year during Lent I would give up sodas and she would give up Alcohol for 40 days - we both dropped 10-20lbs every time.

    Is there anything else anyone has given up and seen an immediate drop?

    mary jane ;-)
  • kilojoule
    @GorillaNJ -

    Squats are for the devil. I *HATE* quats. But my trainer is right - they are the end all and be all of leg exercises.

    Not to brag or anything, but I could bounce a quarter off my *kitten* if I had to.

    no squats here because of some old injuries to my lower back. I do use the sled though...assisted squat maybe?? Seems to be working okay so far. One thing i picked up on right away is how strong my quads are in comparison to my hamstrings. Trying to get them evened out.

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Damn bro... my legs look just like that... but with about 20 more pounds of fat on em!

    I had hurt my back when I was younger too... slipped a disk (very low on my back) and broke a small bone playing basketball. I find the leg presses hurt my back but squats let me range my motion more and it really does not bother me at all.
  • mkrafick
    @kilojoule - Damn.
    Don't get too worked up on the hamstrings - they are a smaller muscle and don't grow nearly as fast as your quads. Looking good though!

    @GorillaNJ -
    I seem to be developing a mid back problem which I am workig on. However I have been using a weight belt to force my core to stay tight and been concentrating on my core to help strengthen. It seems to make a big difference in what I am able to do with squats.

    I never thought of the sled though. I may need to look into that more.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Hey, where'd all the guys go?

    I'm struggling with exercise. I have a committment after work tonight and tomorrow, I couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and tomorrow I have an early meeting. I feel stupid for missing the opportunity this morning. Oh well, I'll just have to watch my food a little more carefully. I have a 30 mile bike ride scheduled for Friday night. I just hope it doesn't rain.
  • BStayer
    I'm feeling a bit frustrated and don't really know how to fix this. I work out early in the morning. I'm up around 4:45 am, at the gym by 5:30-6:00. I'm lifting weights, trying to burn body fat, keep the muscle I have, you know the drill. Well, today was legs and I was very let down. My leg presses and squats were lower than the last time I did them.

    Here comes the perplexion. The last time I worked my legs, I did it in the evening after work due to a schedule change. That evening, I really had a great work out. My legs were sore the next couple of days as I moved a lot of weight that day. But when I work out in the morning, not just this morning, I find my muscles give out very early in my workout. I eat a full breakfast before I go in with oats, pb, protein, creatine, banana to give my muscles food, but it did me no good today.

    I could maybe work out in the evening, but I'm married with 2 kids and like to be home in the evening to be with my family. Maybe I just needed to vent, but it's so frustrating to not accomplish what I accomplished just last week.

    Any ideas as to what I could eat or drink in the morning to 'wake' my muscles up and get them ready for a big hard workout?
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm thinking about getting Scuba certified, but there's a voice in my head that says "Geeze, you're almost 52, act your age", but I just don't know if it's too risky or strenuous. I've done a couple of non-certified dives while on vacation and loved it. Also the water tends to be quite cloudy here, but it's here.

    Any advice from anyone who's done it?
  • jdorais
    jdorais Posts: 27 Member
    I'm feeling a bit frustrated and don't really know how to fix this. I work out early in the morning. I'm up around 4:45 am, at the gym by 5:30-6:00. I'm lifting weights, trying to burn body fat, keep the muscle I have, you know the drill. Well, today was legs and I was very let down. My leg presses and squats were lower than the last time I did them.

    Here comes the perplexion. The last time I worked my legs, I did it in the evening after work due to a schedule change. That evening, I really had a great work out. My legs were sore the next couple of days as I moved a lot of weight that day. But when I work out in the morning, not just this morning, I find my muscles give out very early in my workout. I eat a full breakfast before I go in with oats, pb, protein, creatine, banana to give my muscles food, but it did me no good today.

    I could maybe work out in the evening, but I'm married with 2 kids and like to be home in the evening to be with my family. Maybe I just needed to vent, but it's so frustrating to not accomplish what I accomplished just last week.

    Any ideas as to what I could eat or drink in the morning to 'wake' my muscles up and get them ready for a big hard workout?

    When did you hit your legs last and is it a trend or only just this once?
  • BStayer
    I hit'em last week. It seems to be a trend because I've noticed this happen with more than just my legs. My bicep curls have gone up and down, triceps, back, it seems like it just goes up and down. I thought maybe it was the time of the day I work out. Early morning is great for cardio, not so much for weight training it seems.
  • jdorais
    jdorais Posts: 27 Member
    I don't like lifting in the mornings. When I do I get exertion headaches that wipe me out. So I'm at the gym usually 4PM right after a big cup of black coffee. That caffeine boost help me get through those last few reps - at least in my head it does.