The 3 Rules and the 80/20 Rule

Not my original work, but it needs to be heard here as 99% of the threads in here apply.


You only need 3 rules to lose weight the correct way. Until you're sub 12-10%, this will work without fail.

1) Reduce calories below daily usage. You all know this: 500-1000 calories a day for 1-2 lb / week. Be honest. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES as this is built in as long as you pick 'light' as a BMR.

2) Lift weights 3 times per week. Heavy. If you like cardio do it (for the respiratory and ability to eat more), but that doesn't take care of this requirement. Lift HARD 3 times a week so your body knows you need to keep the muscle.

3) Eat 1g per lb of lean body weight of protein. Lean body weight = Total weight - (total weight * body fat percentage). I eat a little more, at 150g / day minimum right now. Also- this is not on but I think it is important- try to get around .5-.6g of good fats per lb lean body weight. You need it to produce the correct hormone levels that will facilitate muscle growth and fat loss.

And the most important thing I have ran across on this board (someone find the source of this for me? I remember reading it on

80 percent of what you need to lose weight are easily summed up in the 3 rules above. They will work, they have worked, and you are not a special case when it comes to this. Stop worrying about the different diets, the thermogenics, the food frequency, the blah blah blah. There's no need to make it hard! Personally I am down to about 11% and my goal is 8% and I have not done a single thing but eat 1500 calories and 150g+ of protein.

I know this will not stop the incessant posts about trivial things- but for those of you who will listen, this is all you need to know!


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thank You
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Sounds like great advice, thanks for posting :happy:
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Good stuff. I hope to get up that high in protein. I'm trying for 100g right now and usually can hit between 80-105 pretty regularly. I couldn't imagine where I'd find another 40-70g. I think when I'll be upping my calories in a little while I'll be able to hit that, but getting 145g on 1300 + 200-300 of exercise calories is pretty tough.
  • chuckanderson
    Scagneti- It's based off of lean body mass - I'm not going to take a critical look at your stats but if I GUESSED your body fat was 20% you're looking at more like 116g of protein.
  • arc_maggie
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Scagneti- It's based off of lean body mass - I'm not going to take a critical look at your stats but if I GUESSED your body fat was 20% you're looking at more like 116g of protein.

    Sorry, I misunderstood! I thought that it was 1g per lb! I felt bad for people trying to get in 200+ grams.

    I think I'm closer to 25%. I have big chubby arms, but my legs are like steel! :smile:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Great post! My philosphy is keep with the basics the more I try to add in the more frustrated I get then everything stalls. I count my good wholesome calories and I exercise!! Forget about the rest!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I do exactly that 80% of the time but with slight modifications for me.

    Reduced protein based on tests that show high protein is excreted as waste in the urine.

    When lifting hard, advanced trainees can reduce frequency. Some even to once in ten days and even once in 30. I hang around three classic HIT/SSTF weight sessions in 14 days. They take about 20 minutes or less each.

    For dropping fat, 1500 calories, which is about 189 below my BMR.

    I learned what you speak of from Dr. Ellington Darden. I have gone down under 4% BF doing it. Not a fun percentage to be at 8-12% is just about right for me.
  • PattiPositive
    This is what mine looks like. I work out 2 hours a day walking 7 miles. Do I need more protein than this? I started the weights last week. And It says I burn between 600 -900 calories each workout. Do I have to eat all that to burn more?

    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 165 g
    Fat / Day 40 g
    Protein / Day 45 g
    *Net calories consumed = total calories consumed - exercise calories burned. So the more you exercise, the more you can eat!
    Calories Burned / Week 4,200 Calories / Week
    Workouts / Weekends 5 workouts
    Minutes / Workout 120 minutes
    If you follow this plan...
    Your projected weigh loss is: 1.3 lbs/week
    You should lose 6.4 lbs. by March 14
  • chuckanderson

    That looks great! I would try to get more protein, especially as you start to hit the weights. The whole idea is to make it as easy as possible for your body to keep the muscle you have by providing the stimulus that it needs it and the nutrients for it to rebuild. Otherwise you'll end up weighing nothing with no muscle and lots of extra skin :(

    FYI I am a scientist/chemist/biochemst/physisist so if you want the real explanation let me know :)
  • chuckanderson
    Pyro: I plan to start the 'advanced' stuff soon :) I'm going to get to 8% and then recomp for a few months for 8-10 lbs muscle and see what happens then. I don't think I have any sort of desire to get into contest shape but who knows.
  • PattiPositive
    re: FYI I am a scientist/chemist/biochemst/physisist so if you want the real explanation let me know :)

    Pleas, I would like to know. And Can you tell me if I really need to eat all the exercise calories to burn more. I feel like it is a lot.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Pyro: I plan to start the 'advanced' stuff soon :) I'm going to get to 8% and then recomp for a few months for 8-10 lbs muscle and see what happens then. I don't think I have any sort of desire to get into contest shape but who knows.

    I hope and think you will be pleasantly surprised when you get more into HIT and less frequency . Once I learned how to perform in a HIT fashion I put almost 9lbs of muscle on the first year, and almost another 7 the second year. As I lean back up this time of year It's looking like I may have added another 3 or 4. So, almost 20 pounds of muscle in 3 years after not adding any for many years with High Volume training. And the first year was almost all on a Bowflex since I had some shoulder issues that didn't like barbells. No contests or anything for me, actually my last year of the Gain/Lean cycle. Pushing 43 so I think I'll just stay lean all year round. I've put 40lbs lean mass on since high school when I barely weighed 120lbs. Still in size 30W jeans. Good luck!
  • zach1356
    zach1356 Posts: 13 Member
    this is all i do. 3 rules. simple rules, but not always so simple to follow.
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Worked for me! :drinker:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member