postnatal group - February 2011

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Open to any ladies with babies who are working towards their goals - whether is weight loss goals, workout goals, eating goals, etc. This is a group to ask questions, get support, and keep each other accountable! Let the journey begin!


  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to have a group that is dealing with the same type of weight loss as me!! This is great! My little guy was born at the end of August. So he is 5 months and a bit:). I have about 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and about 5 or so vanity lbs after that!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    SOrry I have been MIA for so long! My hsuband and I seperated and I needed a break emotionally. I haven't been counting calories or weighing myself, just trying to be farely healthy. I'm back now though and ready to continue on. My current goal is to lose 13lbs in order to get into my normal BMI range. :-)

    My work just started a 3 month biggest loser competition, so hopefully that will be good motivation to work out. How are people doing with working full time and fitting exercise in? It's hard for me during the week to not see my baby all day and then take him to the gym and drop him off a daycare again. :-( I suppose I could wait until he's asleep and then ask a babysitter to watch him, but I've never worked out right before bed before and have heard it can make it difficult to sleep. Has anyone experienced that before?
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I would love to have a group that is dealing with the same type of weight loss as me!! This is great! My little guy was born at the end of August. So he is 5 months and a bit:). I have about 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and about 5 or so vanity lbs after that!

    welcome tlussier!
  • i start work on Sat and i am also worried about working 40hrs and taking care of the kids, and finding time to work out. i hope i could figure it all out
  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to have a group that is dealing with the same type of weight loss as me!! This is great! My little guy was born at the end of August. So he is 5 months and a bit:). I have about 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and about 5 or so vanity lbs after that!

    welcome tlussier!


    As far as finding time to exercise I am also worried about fitting it in and not being completely exhausted when I go back to work after my Maternity leave is up. Hopefully the weather will be nice and I can just go for walks with my little man.
  • Hi everyone!

    Im up for a little more support on here. I have two little ones, a 3 yr old and a 4 month old. They keep me busy, but I am trying to loose ALOT (about 50 lbs total). I joined this site about 3 weeks ago and I find it very helpful. I have been exercising about 5 times a week, although I find myself having to exercise around my 3 year old or move my little man to a new position. Well, look forward to getting to know ya'll more.
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Hey gals! I was just reading through some of the prior months' threads .. great support group, would love to join in too :)

    My little guy just turned 9 months old. I gained 43 pounds during pregnancy and have lost 31 of them so far. My goal is to lose the last 12 by the time he turns a year .. 12 pounds in 11 weeks, I can do that! Then I'd like to lose 20 more to get to my goal of 45 lbs, so 32 more to go in total. I had SPD while pregnant and it lasted for a few months after my son was born making it very sore to exercise or walk for any more than 10 minutes so I've been pretty LAZY. I lost weight initially after he was born, then stayed the same weight for FIVE months. Finally I got my act together, dusted off my treadmill, and have started to lose steadily in 2011. Feels good and I want to continue .. I figure that the support of other moms has got to help, right?!

    Someone in the Jan thread asked about nursing calories .. I hadn't thought about putting them in as exercise, I simply added 500 calories to my daily limit and that seems to work just fine. Weeks I keep to my limit I've routinely lost 1.8 pounds, and weeks I've gone over I've still lost about 0.5, so I figure I must be about in the right range. My daily goal is 1800 calories .. that's what I read breastfeeding moms should have at minimum (other sites say 1500) .. I'm planning to breastfeed until he's at least a year but will taper off as we get closer and will have to adjust what I eat. Guess it will be trial and error .. how many calories are you gals having? I'm 5 foot 6 and 176 lbs right now. Ok I've written a novel LOL ..

    p.s. Angela .. so sorry to hear about your separation, even if it's a positive thing, still really really difficult .. chin up!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    yeah I started calculating 500 calories as well and just monitor it, if I stop losing or start gaining I'll reduce the amount. Every body might be different in the energy it uses to produce milk, and every baby eats a different amount so there's no firm amount you can go by
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    I'm nervous about how to juggle it all too when I head back to work .. how did your first day go asm12707? When I worked out in the evenings (pre-baby) I always did need some time to wind down afterwards but had no problem getting to bed so long as I was home at least an hour or so before bed time. I prefer morning workouts by far but won't be able to as my hubby heads off to work at 5:30am, but I do have a treadmill at home so I might just work on putting a home gym together for myself. With all my extra cash lol!!! It's so worth it to be home, but EI income sucks :p
  • Would love a group like this. I have a 4 1/2 month old and a 21 month old. My body is shot. I really want to loose the baby weight and get in shape.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm nervous about how to juggle it all too when I head back to work .. how did your first day go asm12707? When I worked out in the evenings (pre-baby) I always did need some time to wind down afterwards but had no problem getting to bed so long as I was home at least an hour or so before bed time. I prefer morning workouts by far but won't be able to as my hubby heads off to work at 5:30am, but I do have a treadmill at home so I might just work on putting a home gym together for myself. With all my extra cash lol!!! It's so worth it to be home, but EI income sucks :p

    I have a treadmill at home too, so I could use that instead of going to the gym on the days I work. I was thinking that maybe if I took the extra time to sit in the sauna or hot tub after my work out at the gym that it might relax me enough to allow me to sleep when I get back.
  • I'd love to join in. I feel like a huge slacker though. My LO (little one) is 18 months old and I still have 25 baby lbs still on me. I gained 50 during pregnancy. I've made attempts to lose weight but it's always been half hearted. But now that warm weather is right around the corner I refuse to be fat for another summer.
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Nothing better than a hot tub soak, that will do the trick Angela!!

    Hi Kathryn and mamabearr :) Welcome aboard!

    Mama, I was feeling like a huge slacker too after reading the January thread (seemed like everyone else had lost their pregnancy weight already!?) .. but there are plenty of us who haven't, and what matters is that you're on board now. I'm with you .. I DO NOT want to be fat come summertime. We have a pool and I do not want to sit poolside in my coverup while everyone else enjoys our pool just because I'm feeling dumpy .. ugh, no thanks!!! We can so do this :)
  • I remember this past summer I had to be in a bathing suit in front of the boyfriends extended family. What made it worse was that everyone in his family is stick thin.
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Can I join too? My LO is 3 1/2 months. Gained about 50 during pregnancy and have lost a little over 25 so far. Still a way to go! I would also like to lose a bit more because I had started putting on weight just before I got pregnant as well, but for now my goal is to lose the baby weight. I hear you ladies about the summer, my sister is getting married in California on a beach this summer and I want to look and feel good in a bathing suit while I'm on the beach with my family!

    My husband is really supportive (he works at home), so I get to the gym quite a bit. My gym is great because small babies in car seats or stroller are allowed in, so when my husband can't take over I can take my son with me. There's an indoor track there as well, so if Baby O isn't cooperating, I can take him for a walk around the track. I'm also going to Mommy and Babes pilates and a evening Zumba class (no babies there!) I've been doing well with exercise, it's portion control that's my main problem! I recently bought a food scale and have started to weigh and measure most of my food. Man, was I ever overeating cheese! Oops.

    Great to find a group like this! How do I keep up with the posts? I tried to join another group, but I kept missing the posts!
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah mamabear, I know that feeling .. all my husband's friend's wives are model thin, all my female family members too, ack!!

    Hey fouchou! Lots of time to get fit for your sister's wedding :) Your gym sounds great! I've found out that at mine, for a fee, you can drop your kidlet for 2 hours while you work out, shower. I haven't gone yet, trying to psych myself up for it .. not sure what my problem is. I'm also considering canceling my membership since I'll be back to work soon and can't see going once I'm back to work because of my crazy hours. I have a lot of workout stuff at home: a treadmill, exercise bands, ball, medicine ball, bosu ball, lots of videos .. just need some hand weights and really I'm all set! Except for the motivation part ;) They say 80% of weight loss is food related so I'm trying to focus on that right now and am getting it under control. This site is great for that!

    I am not sure if there is a better way to keep up with the posts than this (can you subscribe to them?), but to find ones you've already posted in, click onto message boards, then "my topics" and it will list ones you've posted to at the top of the page.
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, can I join, too? My 3rd baby is 7.5 weeks old, my older 2 are 3 (tomorrow) and 5.5 years. I gained about 30lbs with my son, and have lost 20 of it. I really want to lose that last 10lbs before summer! I discovered you can add "breastfeeding" as a food and it gives you -500 calories. So it gives me a daily goal of 1800 calories. I think that might be too much for me, but I don't often hit that anyways. Somewhere between 1500 and 1800 should be good.

    What's your favorite workout? After my 2nd daughter I walked pushing my double stroller every day for about 2.5 miles. It took the weight off really quickly. I don't know what to do with the 3 kids, though.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    *sigh, I just typed a whole message out and got side tracked and clicked on something else and lost the whole response. *sigh, I hate it when that happens!

    Anyhow. I haven't been back to the gym since hubby and I separated. I LOVE my gym: 3 floors, a womens only level so you don't have to work out around men, tons of classes, a full size pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, tanning beds, massage room, etc. BUT you have to pay $3 an hour for childcare. :-( that adds up quickly over the course of a month! Especially on top of already paying membership fees. My mom has a membership to the same gym so we're planning on going in tomorrow. We shall see.

    After all the stretch marks I have I could go past my goal weight and still not look cute in a bathing suit. *sigh, one pieces NEVER work since I have a long torso they don't fit right, and my waist is my smallest part of my body (at least it was before the baby) so accenting my fat thighs and arms doesn't sound fun. I'm trying not to think about it until I have to. lol, summer's still a long ways off.

    So my work started a biggest loser weight loss competition on Thursday and I've been home sick ever since. I've been HORRIBLE at eating healthy because all I want is comfort food. >( AND since I haven't had any energy, I've been bored and so am eating because I'm bored. Errr, I'm feeling a little better today and so I finally ate healthier today, but was running late to church this morning and didn't get a chance to eat breakfast so I'm WAY below calories for the day.

    Hopefully going back to work tomorrow and hitting up the gym will bring back some much needed motivation!
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Hi MaKisMom! Good to know about the "breastfeeding" feature in food, thanks. Ten pounds to go .. I'm *envious* ;) way to go! Hope you find some ideas on what to do with THREE kidlets .. maybe a walk through the park with your double stroller and eldest on a bicycle? That sounds complicated :p I'm sure some others will have some ideas for you.

    Angela .. yeah $3/hr will add up, cheaper than a sitter at night though .. and you know what, you're worth it! You could easily spend $75 on something frivolous, and getting into shape is anything but that. Glad to hear that you're going again today, have fun! And yeah, summer is a looong way off, we should ban the 'bikini talk' for now lol :p How long is the biggest loser competition at work going to run? Did you sign up?
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