Wanting to get pregnant..

Melisha82 Posts: 243
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay here's my deal.. I am currently losing weight trying to get down to my goal weight. My husband and I have decided to start trying for a baby like now lol... and so my question is how hard is it to not gain like 50 lbs while pregnant? I know I"ve seen some women say they gain 25 lbs all the way up to 100 lbs!! This scares the living daylights out of me! Once you have your baby how much weight is normally lost in labor? What is a healthy weight gain during pregnancy and how long do you think it would take to bounce back after??


  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Everyone is different and it really depends on how your body reacts to all the hormones released by the pregnancy. With my first I gained something like 60 and with my second I gained only 25 because I was very very carefully about what I ate. Your doctor can help you with a healthy eating plan. Also, provided your pregnancy is without complication you can exercise right up until the end, and this will help control weight gain and prepare you for labor.

    After giving birth you will lose the weight of the baby, the plecenta and all the amniotic fluids, but you will most likely still have weight to lose and will still kind of look pregnant. Breastfeeding can also help you to lose weight after the baby is born, but it not a magic bullet for everyone.

    I hope this helps and good luck to you!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    The recommended amount to gain if you are already at a healthy weight is 25-35 pounds...if you are overweight anywhere from 15-25 pounds. With that being said, its not uncommon to lose weight still while you are pregnant. Being in control of your appetite now and knowing when you are actually hungry and controlling it will be very important when you have a baby growing. I suggest calorie counting still while prego, as well as exercise as it is equally as important.

    This is all easier said than done---I gained 70+ with my first and almost 50 with my second. At my 6 week check up after my first I had dropped 35 pounds without doing anything, and with my second I dropped 30. Everything extra was for me to lose on my own. There's no set weight that will just come off---it all depends on how healthy you are while you're pregnant, how much your baby weighs, how much water you lose, ect....

    Good luck getting pregnant! :heart:
  • Thank you :) My dr says it may take a little longer for me to get pregnant so we decided to start now.. but just in case it happens before I reach my goal these are good things to know lol
  • If you don't get more answers on her I'd set up an apt with your gyno and ask all those questions, plus he/she can help you with advice on how to make things happen faster :wink: . Also, keep in mind that all our bodies are different, you are most likely not doomed to gain a ton of weight duing pregnancy :smile: I even have friends that later that day you would swear they did not just pop out a 7lb baby.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    There's actually an entire pregnancy group here on MFP that you should really join! They are a great group for those who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. They also do a lot of discussions about calorie counting and exercising during pregnancy. Definitely check it out!
  • Thank you so much ladies! I want a baby so badly, but I didn't want to gain a ton of weight either. I will def get in touch with my GYN and ask all of my millions of questions LOL
  • Like all the other ladies have said, it all depends on your body I gained 30lbs with my first and about 35lbs with my second. But that was my total weight gain so that includes the weight of the baby, the placenta, your boobs which grow and the extra weight that you put on from all the stuff that you eat.

    With my first I was really careful what I ate, tried to eat healthy food and for the most part stayed away from the junk food. After the baby arrives you loose weight fast, but for me with my first the last 10 or 15lbs were the hardest to loose and than I got pregnant with my second so that added to my weight gain so here I am on MFP trying to loose that weight.
  • murelzgirl
    murelzgirl Posts: 112 Member
    I have three kids. During my first pregnancy I gained 60 lbs... but I did absolutely nothing to stop it. I ate what I wanted when I wanted. Two weeks after the delivery I had lost about 25 of it. My second and third pregnancies were much different. I only gained between 20 and 25 lbs for each of them and had lost it all within a week after delivering... but half the weight of each my second and third pregnancies were my babies... baby 2 was 10 lbs 6 oz and baby 3 was 9 lbs 12 oz.

    As long as you are eating healthy and being as active as your pregnancy allows you aren't going to gain a ton of weight. A healthy weight gain is usually somewhere between 20 - 30 lbs... but it varies for everyone. Good luck!! :)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    It's actually pretty easy. Talk to your doctor. Women generally use "I'm pregnant" as an excuse to eat like there's no tomorrow. For women in a healthy weight range, 25-35 lbs is a normal gain, and it will be fairly easy to lose the weight afterward. If you are heavier, you may be able to gain less, if you are underweight, you can gain more. Also, in your first trimester you actually don't need to increase your intake. Just eat what you would eat to maintain your weight. Absolutely NO dieting when you are pregnant- that is extremely harmful. Just stay active and eat right, and track your calories on here. In your second trimester you will probably need to increase your calories by about 200-300, and around 400 in the third trimester. Not exactly the "eating for two" that everyone thinks of. Talk to your doctor when you get pregnant, and he/she will be able to tell you how much you need to gain, and how many calories you need to eat for your body type, etc. :) Good luck.
  • steph813
    steph813 Posts: 33 Member
    Well everyone is different but I can tell you that for me I gained about 15 lbs with each pregnancy (i have 3 kids). With my first and second baby i gained about 15 lbs and after the babies were born I was able to wear my regular jeans. Yes my body was different and I did need to work out to get it where I wanted it to be. This last baby really took a toll on me. First of all he was almost 9lb 10oz at birth and i had only gained about 15 lbs like the other 2 but i was just tired and didn't work out after he was born. I am getting back into the grove now.
    Anyway, you will be fine. Just continue your healthy lifestyle and your body will do the rest. Best of luck to you and your husband!
  • itzmecrystal78
    itzmecrystal78 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 3 kids and I gained 60lbs with each kid. I DONT recommend that! lol!! When I am not pregnant I always try to diet and always workout, but when I get pregnant I eat whatever I want and dont workout. I would recommend the healthy 25 to 35lb weight gain and try and walk while pregnant. I lost 25-30lbs of the pregnancy weight within 2 weeks, and then the rest was up to me. With my daughter it took 2 years and I was back to weighing about 148, but I diddnt workout. WIth my first son at his 1st b-day I weighed 149 and by the time he was 2 I was down to 139. I worked out ALOT after having him and I was 26 years old. I have an 11 month old now and I weighed 163 at my first Dr appt with him, and thats about what I weigh now, and I workout ALOT. I will say that now being 32 the weight does not come off as fast! lol!! My goal is to get down to 150, I highly doubt that I will see 139 again! lol! But you never know!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I have 4 kids I gained: 8, 16, 8, and 26. I was overweight when I started with each one so my doctor was not concerned about my lack of weight gain. I did watch what I ate while pregnant and with the last one I went to the gym everyday all 9 months, with the others I was alos very active: biking until I coulnd't anymore and lots and lots of walking. All my kids were almost 10lbs at birth and with each one I left the hospital weighing 25-30lbs less than I did when I entered!

    Good luck! Kids are so much fun!
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