Just joined..needs motivation..winter blues

Hi there. I just joined this webiste about a month ago and I think I need some friends to encourage me. I did really well for the first two weeks then I just dropped off the website all together. I am going to make this site my homepage so hopefully that will encourage me to log all of my food and exercise.

I am not sure if it is this crazy cold Wisconsin weather or what but I am dragging hind end when it comes to exercise. I just want to go home, change into my sweats and eat! This winter is killing me.....send some sunshine and heat will ya peeps down south??


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I totally understand. We are on week two of snowmaggedon her in Oklahoma. Have been out of school since Tuesday and we are suppose to get 5-8 inches tomorrow night. I have managed to exercise and eat pretty well, even think I lost a pound or two (tomorrow is my weigh day). Would be happy to be your friend on here, I have found that really helps. I'm a wife, mom of 4 and a teacher full time so I understand where you're coming from. Best of luck!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Ah, the winter blues. I live in Calgary, Alberta and we have had a terrible winter as well. Woke up to another huge snowstorm this morning and an awful commute. I was planning on a quick Mexico get-a-way and just found out this morning that my husband can't get the time off . . . now Im slightly bitter and my "bathing suit" motivation will take a bit of a kick as well.
    I realized recently that I haven't lost much this winter myself. Most weeks I have maintaned but that is about it. Im going to send you a friend request so we can kick each others butt!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I know what you mean! I do the same thing. Once I get home all I want to do is curl up with a blanket! It is really hard to get motivated in the winter. Last winter I had a friend meeting me at the gym every day. I didn't give up because I didn't want to ditch her! For me, I have a dog that is unhappy if she doesn't get a daily walk. She helps give me the encouragement I need to do it and any little bit helps. I'm trying to get that walk in right when I get off work while it's still (hopefully) a little sunny and before I get too settled in at home. Find yourself some motivational quotes.. I tell myself "nothing to it but to do it" or "only one work out away from a good mood". As for eating- planning helps so much. It's best to know what you're going to have for dinner the night before so you have plenty of time to make good choices. Good luck! You can do it! You'll feel so much better when you do - trust me!