
Hello all! I started in October, but never said hi! And actually, I just recently started reading all the forumns. Sounds like a lot of you are friends and group together to challenge each other. And I totally need it! I started after completing my clinicals for my masters and taking my licensure exam to be an occupational therapist. Needless to say, I gained some weight in grad school at the end when it got really stressful. Not a lot, but enough that I wasn't fitting into all my clothes comfortably. So, my boyfriend and I made a bet to see who could lose the most weight by my birthday Nov 30th. I had lost 20 and 2 sizes and he had lost 10 pounds. So, I won! I still have some to go until my goal. But, I'm getting there! I started with some friends, but they aren't into as much as I am. I need some friends and some motivation to lose the last 5 pounds and then maintain that off. Working out kills me after working all day. So, please add me!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • djdreger
    djdreger Posts: 3 Member
    I just started this website. Any suggestions? My desire is to lose 30 lbs. Is 1200 calories a good place to start
  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes, do what it says. Some people eat all the calories. But, if I eat all of them, I only maintain and do not lose weight. But, other people are not going to like that I am saying this because eating too few calories can be unhealthy, but I think it depends on what you are eating. For breakfast: coffee, yogurt; lunch: salad, fruit; dinner: meat (small protion), healthy startch (brown rice), vegetable I will be under my cal goal. Good luck! My started at having to lose 30. Don't be discouraged. And, yes, I was starving the first 1 1/2, but you'll get used to it and then your stomach will shrink and you will be stuffed after eating half of what you normally would (I would stuff myself before). So, started in Oct, it's Feb and only 5 more to go....you can do it too! And, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New years were in those months that I lost! So, you are holiday free! Unless you have a b-day. Good luck. And I'll motivate you!