Valentines day <3...what are your plans

mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
So Valentine's Day:heart: is around the any plans or just another day for you :ohwell: ? & if you are who would you be celebrating it with?:love::flowerforyou:


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Going to Disneyland with the entire family and some friends. I really don't like to go out and that day since it seems forced to be romantic. I'd rather just have a great day with my family and the ball and chain.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    it's our first Valentine's as husband and wife, but we made a deal of no gifts, no special plans. just cards. And he'll most likely forget the card lol. Not a big deal for me. The Anniversary is the day that counts for me. For that, we're planning on going on a sightseeing drive and having a picnic while watching the sunset :)
  • DenShort
    Staying and cooking dinner for my husband.

    It's the Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) birthday so Dubai has been announced as dry valentine's night and valentines without a cheeky bottle of champagne followed by an even cheekier bottle of red wine just doesn't cut it for me :)
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    I would like to do something but can't convice the other half too.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    It's going to be my 8th wedding anniversary. But as we are trying to save money (no success yet), we are not doing anything. It's been 8 significant number. We are going to wait till 10th anniversary to have a celebration. First year we are not doing anything. Not even a meal at home with bottle of bubbly. And I have to say, for the first year I'm not stressing about going out or what to get my husband or if wi will have money for it. It's so nice to know that it's just normal day. Peaceful for me I would say. :laugh:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Its my husband's birthday, so he gets all the attention:grumble: , although, he did bring me home a valentines cuddly pink elephant the other night as I had a bad fall recently and was a bit down in the dumps. We do have a dinner booked, but depends on whether or not, my facial injury from the fall is healed up or not. :sad: If not guess we will stay at home and have a few:drinker:
  • lisa_lotte
    Valentines day is my birthday, so going for a few drinks with my boyfriend and some friends :-)
    On the 15th I fly out to sweden, and will be there for a week - woohoo!!!
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    After many discussions of what we should do with the boyfriend...the laziness in us set in and we decided to stay home...and apparently I'm making dinner...I'll give him a bowl of wilted spinach and see what he says about that!
  • alyssa83202
    We're going to go look at apartments for next semester, then going to Ikea to look for furniture for our apartment and because we both love that store. Then we'll either eat at Ikea or find a nice park and have a picnic. That will be on the Saturday before Valentine's day actually, I'll by spending actual Valentine's Day evening taking a test... Neither of us have a lot of money right now, so we're just going to spend the day together and have fun.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    We normally go out for a meal or cook something at home but we don't bother with presents, just cards :)
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    It's my first Valentine's with my current boyfriend and he has planned some sort of surprise weekend away... All I know is that I need to pack a bag!

    Can't wait to find out more! :smooched: :heart:
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    I'll be sitting at home alone..My husband works long hours so its just me the dogs and kitty..
  • littlelionesslove
    I will miss my hubby on Valentine's Day...he's still deployed. Our first year together...we've been apart on all the holidays, including our one year anniversary. Okay, sob story over. I am tough. I am lioness. I am hungry for ice cream. *meltdown*
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I'm working the evening so my boyfriend and I might go and get coffee/breakfast in the morning. We agreed no gifts. From reading the other posts, cards sounds like something sweet we could do but I'll talk to him about it. Our 4 year anniversary is on the 25th and we've made dinner plans. We usually just celebrate Valentine's Day and our anniversary together. We've decided no gifts this year since he's not working. Besides, next year is first big "milestone".
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I love some of the plans I've been reading ...& I agree quality over quantity..I still don't know what plans if any yet with me...because my husb' & I have different schedules...& on that Monday is no exception...we have celebrated many Valentine's together & some have been great & some kinda' plain...but in the end it's true what they say is the thought that counts..I might cook for him on that day ...& as far as gifts sometimes he surprises me sometimes he asks...we haven't discussed any gifts though he did ask me what I'd like
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    I'm single and will have to lock the doors and tape up the letterbox 'cos I can't cope with the extra attention!!!

    Yeah.....right........ :-)

    Nah, just another day for me, don't get involved. I don't like the commercialism of it all.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It will be just another day for me too.
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Hhubby always gets me flowers and we exchange cards, although he says he does not like the commercial side, so really only does it because of me :heart:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I agreed with my boyfriend that we would only do cards and a small gift this year, last year was our first valentines, and we spent a fortune.

    I ordered him a personalised card on Moonpig (just to be special) and bought him a bear, then we might get a take-away or something that night...
  • DoingThis4Me
    I am having two small spots removed from my leg...just another day for me...Maybe next year I will have a valentine... :)