Turbo Fire - must you follow the schedual?

Question - Must you follow the schedual plan? From what I understand reading the materials that came with Turbo Fire you must not do a HIIT workout every day - you have to give your body a rest. Ok Fine - But since trying a few workouts there are some I just like more than others - and somedays I only have 20mins to spare and others I can devote 60mins - am I free to mix it up or will I ruin the effectivness somehow?


  • Danilouise86
    I just ordered Turbo Fire too! I have turbo Jam and I am so ready to take it to the next level. As far as your question. I don't have a good answer for you as I don't follow the plan for Turbo Jam since a couple of my discs have gotten scratched up so I just do whatever I have. I would suggest you visit Beachbody.com's message boards. They are really helpful when it comes to their programs. They will most surely give you some awesome feedback. Good Luck and let me know what you think of the program. I am so antsy waiting for mine to arrive.

    In my opinion, the hiit workouts are too intense to do repetitively and maybe you are better off doing at least 20 to 30 min of the regular workout's if thats all the time you have. Maybe you could do the other half at night or later in the day. Or even find a way to make a bit extra time during your day to do the full one. As you get into the program more you may find it so addicting that you will want to give it the full 60 min.

    I know that at first, with Turbo Jam, I liked some workouts more than others. I also found that I was being too strict with trying to do it exactly the way the girls were doing it making it less fun and more demanding on certain muscles that I wasn't fond of building on. So I got the routines down, stopped watching so much as I was working out, just turned up the volume, and did the moves in my own style making it a bit more dancier resulting in having more fun. I got addicted to all of them real fast with that idea in mind. I also picked up some high impact fitness mats (the ones they usually put under machines at the gym) and that helped my joints and for once i actually feel comfortable jumping around. I get so much air. My muscles, joints, and feet never hurt anymore even with my crummy sneakers. All of these factors have kept it fun. Good luck and just do what you need to do to make it fun.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,566 Member
    I have had TurboFire since last June and love it. Once you get yours, you will see that the HITT workouts are very intense and should not be done back to back.

    To aswer your question, no you don't need to follow the schedule as is. My second time doing TF I comlpetely changed it around so that I was able to do sculpting 3 days alternating with 3 days of the Fire or HITT classes.

    I'm a huge fan of all the programs that Chalene puts out. Her energy is contagious!!

    When do you ladies get your new program?

  • Danilouise86
    I got the program and absolutely love it! After two weeks, I finally know the routines pretty well and dont have to look at the screen, can just let go, and kick some butt. :) I am following the schedule as of now, just to become acquainted with all the different workouts. I do however decide that I am going to add extra workouts (not hiit ones though) to my days and will had a fire 30/45/or 55 to burn some extra cals and also to practice. I also enjoy doing some extra stretch 40's from time to time considering my muscles tend to hold on to tension from all the punching. :) So far I already see crazy definition from only 2 weeks and have lost 8 percent body fat. God I love this workout. In round two, I will probable switch it up. Who knows.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I most definitely did not follow the schedule... I found it too light, so had to double up any HIIT day with extra cardio.

    Depending on your level of fitness, and how comfortable you are with the HIITs, I honestly don't see why you can't do them back to back. The safety concern here is that your body won't be able to handle the elevated heart rate and muscles will not be able to sustain proper form during the exercise leading to injury. If you honestly assess that you can do it, I think you will be fine. Be honest with yourself, do what you can do, and do it safely and properly.

    If it is a time issue, throw in Fire30 on days you have a time crunch. That one is super fun and as effective as a short HIIT.