Today I am starting a summer challenge.



  • I will join you! I would like to lose at least two dress sizes so I can wear a cute summer outfit for my son's Bday party this summer.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    well my first weigh in today since joining this challenge and i lost 2.4lbs so pleased considering ive been ill and unable to go to the gym!!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I'd like to join! I am in a couple of other challenges too but there are not very active members - I'm hoping this one is different!

    I'm aiming for 8 lbs per month. I have my MFP goal @ 1.5 per week - but I am working out quite a bit.

    3 days KettleworX
    3 days running

    1 day optional (didn't take any off for the last 2 weeks, finally giving myself today off!) minus the housework, which I won't count :smile:

    Good luck everyone - I know that it's just *time* for me, No Excuses.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I have been away from my computer for a few days. My brother-inlaw passed away Monday. My sister is a mess. I have family in town and have been helping my sister and so the diet has taken a back seat. I hope to get back on track next week.
    I would like to send my congradulations to all who lost weight this past week and hope you see more results this week as well.

    Have a great rest of the week.:flowerforyou:
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    I would also like to join and lose 22 more pounds by the end of August. I used to do Spark People but decided to try this site a couple of weeks ago and it seems to be working much better for me. Right now I have really been tuning in to what I eat and trying to stay close to my allotment of calories, etc. I am a sugar-holic so have really concentrated on lessing my sugar intake.
    I need more motivation to exercise consistently. It is so easy not to do it after coming home from work. Looking forward to getting to know you all !:smile:
  • lindsay1888
    lindsay1888 Posts: 8 Member
    I'll join!

    I want to lose 15 more lbs by June 1!
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm in. I just started in January and seems to have stalled a bit. I've been working out more than ever and i think I'm just confused on what to do with so many options. I need to find MY plan and stick to it. Want lean muscle, not big muscle. ugh!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    So what is everyone doing to burn a few extra calories this weekend???
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hope all is well. I started using my Leslie Sansone 's WALK at home(Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles). I LOVE IT!! It does not take the place of getting outside, but the next best thing. It is FUN! LIVELY! EASY to do. I am feeling proud that I actually got exercise in
    today. I did well on meals and my water. So far so good. I am starting with walking and adding something new each week.

    ^^I do Leslie Sansone's Walk Slin 4 Fast Miles each really starts my day off right! I love it!!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    That's great, halphord I also have a Leslie Sansone walking tape..the 5 mile one..that way I can decide how many miles I want to walk depending on the amount of time I have, plus it has some strengthening exercises with a theraband. THe tape is fun and it doesn't seem like I am walking that far.. OK , I am psyching myself to turn it on now, before it gets to late.....:)
  • I'm in to - put me up for 55 lbs. by November......
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I'm in! My baby turns 1 on July 17, so I would love to lose 29 lbs by then. I would be at 199. Woo hoo!
  • i would love to lose 30 lbs by july 15th ( my fiance's birthday and right smack in the middle of summer!!)

    my motivations are
    1. my hip and my collar bones...they just showed up for the first time in about 3 years!!!!!!!
    2. my sisters and bestie ........they all work out with me everyday (today was day 12 of thirty day shred)
    3.the size 5 shorts and small shirt hanging from my closet
    4. my upcoming wedding
    5. jillian micheals....i want her strength, endurance, and of course her fab body!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Wow, what a weekend! We got the news that my inlaws were moving on Friday and they needed to be out by Monday. So we spent all day Saturday boxing and loading and moved them an hour and a half to my hometown. Then my husband, sister in law and I spent the morning Sunday unloading everything into the new house. Wow!!! I looked up the calorie burn for moving and carrying boxes - (ready for it???) - 722 cals an hour . Whoa! So I am not too sure the cal burn for the weekend, but I think I like it!!! Makes me feel super motivated for the week. Hopefully it keeps up!

    Oh, and before they showed up on Saturday I did the 30 Day Shred. I was just wanting to get an idea about what to expect when we start the challange on Tuesday. I only got 1/3 through it before they showed up -they got to my house sooner than I expected, but my goodness I was Jello Muscles by the time the day was over and today was sore! It was my first shred ever....I think I love/hate it!!!

    Have a great week ya'll, looking forward to the challanges!
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