Looking for fellow losers in the UK...

I have been looking around the MFP forums for a while now and would like to find some like minded "losers" in the UK, so we can talk in stones not pounds, ml not oz for liquid and definitely no cups. And also just about food generally, who knew it was so different!?

I am 26, female, 11'11" or thereabouts, and looking to get to 10' eventually, but maybe 10'7" this year. I know I can do this, because I've already lost two stone on a bodge WW plan, but that was years ago and I have stayed pretty much the same since.

I struggle with willpower, organisation (of healthy food choices and just generally!), finding time to exercise and just general motivation, so it would be good to "hook up" virtually with some similar souls to urge each other on.

I can and will achieve my goals, but need a little help, and would love to help others too xx
