Insanity and TRX Challenge..

I am starting back on my weight lose program because it is time to get the baby weight off.... I mean my littlest one is going to be 6 in 67 days...
I have decided to come back to MFP to do this.. I will be keeping up with my calories in as well as the exericse I do based on what my heart rate monitor says.. And I am in the market for a new one.. It seems they start acting up somewhere aroudn there!

For the first week I am going to be using the Insanity Program and TRX training....
After I get back into the swing of things this week I will be adding other DVDs and Other Cardio work!

Does anyone what to join?
I figure we could track what we have done here on a daily basis!

Yesterday I did:
Insanity Pylometric and made it through 30 mins of it and then 15 mins of TRX training...


  • Stmurray0718
    I started doing both Two weeks ago. Just finished month 1 of Insanity. How are your results so far?