
hello all fellow dieters:

I am in the process of obtaining my goal weight loss for 180lbs. I started at 212 a few months ago and now i'm done to 204.4. I take each pound at a time and realize that I didn't gain the weight all at once so losing it all at once is not the ideal and healthy way to go.

Was wondering what keeps you all motivated? Any stories or secrets you wish to share that can help me stay motivated.

Please feel free to message me.



  • NicholasMongold
    What keeps me motivated is being a beachbody coach and trying to keep others motivated!! :):flowerforyou:
    Best of luck and feel free to add me! :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi and welcome!
    We purchased the Wii Fit Plus and my husband and myself
    are exercising now everyday. He never exercised before but he loves
    the Wii. It has definitely motivated us to keep going and we do it
    everyday now. If we don't want to exercise we play the games or balance
    games which also keep you fit. Just coming to this site will motivate you from
    the other MFP people here and you can see what they are doing. You
    can ask any questions and you will get a some responses.
    Good Luck on your journey and you can add me as a friend.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    What keeps me motivated is not wanting to scare the neighbors and friends when I'm in my pool,lol.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I am in maintenance mode now but while I was losing it was the weekly weigh in OR the inches lost that kept me motiveted. I felt/feel better and look better and that is a wonderful feeling!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    Sounds like you have a great attitude (and realistic!) that will help with the motivation for sure

    I blogged about my motivation yesterday actually...

    I just feel ready to do this finally - and it sounds like you are too =)

    Good Luck!
  • NicholasMongold
    I am in maintenance mode now but while I was losing it was the weekly weigh in OR the inches lost that kept me motiveted. I felt/feel better and look better and that is a wonderful feeling!
    I have been here before!!
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    I keep motivated by looking at other peoples photos....Seeing the change they made makes me realize it is possible for me too and I get all excited about getting the ideal me all over again! That and I look back at how much I have lost, how well my pre-having kids clothes are fitting me.,..Good luck!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    If your doing an exercise routine, do what Tony Horton says...just Press Play.
    This basically means, don't over think it, just do it (as Nike would say).
    That means getting into a routine. We all have busy lives and a million reasons to not exercise.
    They say it takes 21 days to form a habit.
    My habit is coming home every day after work at 6pm, and going right down to the basement to do my Power 90.
    I don't dwell about it on my 45 minute drive home if I've had a bad day and am exhausted, I don't think about it and just do it.
    Now I'm at day 36, and it's honestly become easy. I actually miss the routine on my off day (Mondays).

    Find out what works for you.

    Motivation will come and go. Having a routine in place will help you on those days your motivation is lacking.
    Good luck!