Here I go!

Hi everyone! I know I have what it takes to reach my goal, but can never quite get there. I am hopefull that sharing a little bit of my story with all of you brings a Big change in me.

Both my parents are diabetic and they have other health issues that come with that, they have both been overwieght as well. My mom had a quad bipass this last March and that made me think," if she would have cared for herself better she wouldn't be going through this, I want her here as long possible! " Then I saw that I could most likely be headed that same direction. I would of thought that something of that magnitude would scare me straight. I have a great husband and 3 wonderful children, I love all my family and do anything for them! Here is my battle.... Why cant I do the same for me? I want to love myself, be healthy, strong, and committed to ME! Then whats the hold up?
I have food journals, cookbooks with the healthiest recipes, workout videos from kickboxing to pilates to belly dancing, a garage full of exercise equiptment, Mountain bike, running stroller even dogs I can walk! I have taken and given Cardio kickboxing classes, given friends and family healthy eating advice even a work out plan with calorie intake. One of those friends lost 30lbs and I lost 5....What!!! I'm a stay at home mom now for 5 yrs, and I remember thinking to myself back then, " Alright now I could have time to workout, plan healthy meals take care of my kids and home while my husband works!" I did South Beach diet, PX90, well all the stuff thats in my garage, but I did nothing more than 1-2 months... SO THAT IS MY PROBLEM! I can not committ to anything long enough, I go full force get all excited get the equiptment, vitamins, workout clothes and say "THIS IS IT!!" then it isnt.... its sad.
I think if there were someone to motivate me and then I could workout with them it would work but in reality schedules aren't always the same and that would lead me to letting myself down once more.

So this is MY MISSION!

I am 5 '4" 160lbs ..... I will lose 35lbs by June 8th and will keep it off! I will participate in a 5K run/walk! I will love it so much that my husband will wonder where his old wife is and ask the new one to run the next L.A. marathon with him!!!! Oh yeah baby

Thanks for the time everyone, I wish you all the best with your goals and dreams! Karem


  • NanaML
    NanaML Posts: 14
    Good luck with your mission. Your goals about about the same as mine except that July 9th is my goal date. Funny that I am about 163 and 5'4 tall too. We can do this together.

    Two of my sisters have had bypass at age 55, lost a sister to heart disease at age 57, lost my brother to a massive MI in his sleep at at 65, both my parents had strokes and my mom died of sudden cardiac arrest; both at 65! Lost another sister to breast cancer at age 59 but she was on the track to COPD as well. So, I have a lot of things to fight as well. I am 58 and I want to live a long time too. Too much to do!!!

    Good luck and I'll help you if you help me!! :)
  • karemh
    First I want to say I'm sorry for your losses and I hope you are well. Both of my parents have had the gastric bypass, my mom last year and my dad 2 yrs mom is doing wonderful and Im glad she had a new start. My dad looks great but still doesnt eat as he should, it really upsets me but, I have realized after many yrs of trying, that my help doesnt work if he doesnt try. : ( So I can be in control of me and I will give myself all that energy I was putting trying to make everyone else fit! I am really excited about all this! I am almost 34 and I want this. Yes we can do this together!!! This is day #2 for me. thanks for taking the time