Desperate help needed!!!

Scrammy88 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all, I am currently taking part in a 24 hour lecture. The trouble is, I am ill, diabetic and sleep deprived. :D I have just about used up my 1200 calories.

I don't see how I am going to last another 15 hours (awake) without eating anything. What should I do???? Guilt ridden!!!


  • listen to your body...EAT if you need to. don't deprive yourself. Life isnt about's about a healthy balance. Just eat something that will sustain you. Dont feel guilty...this world we live in makes us feel that way but there is NOTHING to feel guilty about. Our bodies telling us we are hungry is a magnificent thing. Listening to it and responding is even better! trust yourself.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    eat smartly, not junk food and you will be fine -- just don't go crazy. Especially being diabetic and ill, you need to eat. You won't be in this situation tomorrow, then it will be back to normal.
  • eat something...don't let ur body feel starved. Grab somethings's ok that you've met your calorie intake for the day. You don't want ur body to crash so give into it but just make a healthy choice. Also, next time try altering your intake one day 1200 next day 1500 back and forth like that....but as for right!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Eat. Stick to protein mostly, stay away from bad carbs and sugar but 1200 calories is VERY low and EXTREMELY low to go through this. i would say you would be safe with 2000 calories. You are not going to gain weight from this & this is standard calorie requirement for a normal person.
  • It's one day. I'm assuming this isn't going to be a common thing.... just eat enough to be satiated and don't make a habit of it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hi all, I am currently taking part in a 24 hour lecture. The trouble is, I am ill, diabetic and sleep deprived. :D I have just about used up my 1200 calories.

    I don't see how I am going to last another 15 hours (awake) without eating anything. What should I do???? Guilt ridden!!!

    Eat. You are burning more calories awake then you would asleep so your body will handle the extra calories. 1200 is a baseline and your body is burning a lot more than that anyway.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    DO NOT GO WITHOUT FOOD!!!! This is not a good thing for someone that has diabetes.
  • You have to eat something! Have you checked your glucose? You cannot go strictly by calorie count you have to watch your carb intake. you can eat without over eating or not eating the right things. There a lot "Free Foods" veggies is a good idea.
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    Eat. You are burning more calories awake then you would asleep so your body will handle the extra calories. 1200 is a baseline and your body is burning a lot more than that anyway.

    Agreed, your normal BMR doesn't apply if you're up for 24 hours!
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