


  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Here! Here! Totally agree! The number of people advocating Slimfast, or some ridiculously low calorie amount saying that's the best's sad really. There is no magic pill, silver bullet etc. You ate all the excess food over time and only time and eating well, enjoying everything in moderation (please stop the never eat dairy or x food group to lose weight chant) and getting off your tush to exercise is the way to do it. Life is about the journey not the destination!
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    Totally agree, and I do think it's a process for some people to realize (like me). I think I finally got it now!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I totally agree this is not a quick fix - the weight is not going to miraculously fall off, but with hard work, deligence, sweat and maybe even some tears it is going to make a difference to a healthier life!! - I have tried every pill, powder, shake, TV gimmick, etc....not saying they are all bad, just saying with counting my calories and getting my butt off the couch I have seen real results in inches lost and actual weight lost and can't wait for the coming months and warmer weather to really get moving!! - Feeling great and loving it - Best of luck to everyone on your journey!!!
  • Here's my problem with that. By 'grinding you into the ground', do you mean you want me to stand by idly while you continue to try fad diets and watch you get resultst that aren't healthy? Sorry, I'm not going to do that - I don't think it's ethical or kind. Also, do you think I woke after working out for a week and was fit? No, I busted my *kitten* to get there. Look at my pictures on my profile...I couldn't walk up stairs without wheezing. I only wish someone had given me a wake up call earlier on. Call it tough love, but if you don't change your mentality towards getting won't get there. If I'm a bad guy for waking you up to this, so be it.

    And it does indeed take a long time to make the progress you want. That's the point here. Diets are short-term, short-focus hollow promises. What I'm preaching is not. So, I will happily do everything I can to help you long term. Add me as a friend, give me access to your diaries...I'll spend time with you until you get to where you want, if you're willing to put in time and serious effort. I don't want $19.95 for my latest title, I'll do it for free, because I'd like to help.
    I think for those of us who have large amounts of weight to lose and/or have been fat for a long time, it is a process. It would be wonderful if the light bulb came on for everyone IMMEDIATELY. For many of us, it takes a long time to get where you are and we should not be yelled at for not making it there at the same pace as you. Be grateful that you have it all together and wish the rest of us well. It takes a long time to break lifelong bad habits. Be a positive role model for those of us who are less than perfect rather than grinding us into the ground. Best wishes to you for your continued success. :smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I need to hear this every so often. I get it, but it's almost too easy for me to be lured by the siren song of "eat this, not that, and look like this" and I believe it. I have told myself, if I can't do it forever I shouldn't do it for a week. So here's to eating real foods, and limiting junk!
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Most refreshing words I have heard for a long time.
  • cbs1974
    cbs1974 Posts: 98 Member
    Heres my daily food intake lmk what you think

    slimfast shake for breakfast
    slimfast soup for lunch
    slimfast shake for dinner
    slimfast bar for supper

    excersize usually 2 hours football (on the xbox)

    anygood? lol
  • Agreed! I hate it when I'm having trouble losing and people start telling me that I need to stop eating red meat, stop eating carbs, stop eating fruit, stop eating my minimal junk food. I've tried just about everything, and this is the only "program" that hasn't left me in tears, feeling like a failure because I slipped up!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    You're singing my song!

    The fat didn't arrive overnight and it's not going away overnight. Learning to eat right is a long process, but it shouldn't be arduous, if your health matters to you. Instead of thinking of exercise as a 'chore', think of it as fun! Do something enjoyable to burn the calories and eventually, it will become part of your everyday life. Forget deprivation diets, liquid diets, cabbage soup or cookie REAL food. In reasonable quantities. That's all.
  • Amen! Thank you for posting this. I'm tempted to print it and post on my office bulletin board! I am surrounded by people who are on fad diets when they are not stuffing themselves with sweets and take out. And they try to argue "that never works for me" when they ask how I'm loosing weight and I tell them. Also, this is myfitnesspal not mydietpal!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member

    'Nuff said.
  • I agree. I can see why people try those fads. They want the weight off and they want it off now, everyone wants that. But the truth is, it's not going to happen. It's also so satisfying to work hard and do the right things to get it off and to do something in fitness you thought you could never do. For me it's running, never thought I could. I lost weight and was able to run a half marathon!
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    I am currently on the ice cream with a side of chipotle and ending with a bottle of Chardonnay is this ok or do you have advice :blushing: jussssssss kidding good post.
  • BRAVO!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Pretty much where I'm coming from. When I decided to lose a little weight and get in better shape (I don't need to lose all that much), I didn't want to go with some crazy food plan, or only eat certain things. I still eat plenty of things I like that aren't super healthy, but I do them in moderation and less often.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    So true. Eat wisely, stay active, keep your calories eaten under your calories burned. Common sense that is all to uncommon. I seem to remember grandmas saying something like that, but who listens to them when you have the latest from a diet industry that wants you to believe you lose weight by eating their stuff. It is still eating isn't it.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
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