Top three reasons why MFP is better than facebook for me.



  • SyreetaJayne1
    Funny that you bring this up! I am on maternity leave and I used to play all those facebook games while feeding my little one and just the other day I logged into facebook and I had over 100 game requests. I realized that since I got back on MFP I totally ditched facebook! I prefer MPF because it motivates me to get OFF my butt and all facebook did was keep me ON my butt! I still enjoy a bit of Facebook but maybe one twelfth of the time that I used to!

    totally agreed!!!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I'm going to add you as a friend because I agree with all you've said here AND you live in NWI. I grew up in Portage. We are from Da Region!

    I'm actually glad I was on facebook because that's where a couple friends told me about MFP. They've both lost some weight and they love it. Now I've hopped on board and find myself here more than there. It's nice to still have that social connection with people, but in a positive motivational setting. I'm not getting bombarded with stories about people's kids' potty training or tales of the weather, which I can see for myself right outside my window. I don't need 23 people telling me it's snowing. Most importantly, now when the boyfriend says "Jesus! Are you on facebook again?!" I can say, "No, I'm on that weightloss website." And then he gets off my back. Haha. ;)

    I'm pretty new at this, so anyone else here feel free to add me as well.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I love facebook. I share a photos of my kids and since my family and half the friends are in different country, it's easier to do it that way then write tons of emails. Also I found and got in touch with people I thought I lost touch forever since I moved to England and through the years lost their contact details and vica versa.

    And as for the games, yes I play them, and yes I spend ages on them and yes, I hate them with a passion, but they are very addictive for a while and then I just leave them.

    So there, my name is Zuzana and I'm a facebookholic. :laugh:
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member

    So there, my name is Zuzana and I'm a facebookholic. :laugh:

    Hahahahaha; I do love my facebook in ADDITION to MFP! :tongue: