
Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
here lately my appetite has been decreasing more and more in the day finding it harder to consume my 1200 cals per day....i plan my meals/snacks out so i can eat at diff intervals, but it seems im just not hungry that much energy levels are about the same, i dont lack it when it comes time to work out, but it is getting rougher to manage my foods....any advice?


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I'd be interested to see replies to this.
    I'm exercising every day so obviously adding calories on but I'm still 800 under today and it's almost 8pm.
    I'll make sure I get over the 1200 but will have to force myself if I'm to get to the lot.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I would find a good protein shake to add in --- you can find a good one that will give you about 300 or so extra calories, drink it after working out it will not only up your calories, but it will help your muscles recover faster.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    The more "clean" and healthy food you eat the more you need to eat so I would suggest adding in a few more "calorific" items such as unsalted nuts, avacado, or natural peanut butter. I have at least one of these items each day as I have completely transitioned to a very "back to the basics" outlook with all our food.

    You should also try to live by the following to get in your daily calories:
    Eat breakfast like a king,
    lunch like a prince,
    and dinner like a pauper

    Good luck!
  • wow really? My appetite has been increasing. I work out 60 minutes of cardio and 30 weightlifting, and its been hard eating just 1200 calories...
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    i work out too, i havent done it today yet, but i will b...after my workouts, yes! im starving...but i mean during the day....i get hungry around lunch time, then after lunch im usually satisfied until dinner then after my workout im hungry again....i eat light all day, so it doesnt make much sense as to why my stomach is growling all used to, not so much anymore....oh i do use shakes after a workout too generally mixed w milk and the end of the day it balances out, its just trying to get it all in in the daytime:smile:
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