Cereal the downfall

Queentipsie Posts: 15 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Many people grow up eating cereal for breakfast. For some cereal was breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, and dessert. I'm not talking about the cereal that had less than 3 grams of sugar. That cereal was the last to be eaten in households. That was just the beginning of the problem. The second problem was portion size. You have heard it, I'm eating as bowl of cereal, in some house holds several bowls of cereal. Well, once you have made something a habit it is hard to look at cereal in cup form. I said hard not impossible. Everyone who attended school was introduced to the correct cereal portion size. For some reason it would fill you up right before first period. Maybe it was the excitement of being with friends. Soon as you got back home you went back to BOWL. Just a random thought. My question are you a cup or bowl user!!!!


  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I use a children's cup for my cereal......it looks full....so I trick my mind into thinking I have enough!!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I measure my cereal (kind of). Hubby puts as much as will fit in the bowl (darn his slender body anyway-ha)
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i use smaller asian bowls that are meant for rice.. if anyone knows what i am talking about!
  • I use a small bowl and measure mine.
  • I use measuring cups.. usually I limit myself to a cup.. and if I have it for lunch after a work out then I give myself a cup and a half... I just bought that Kashi go lean cereal.. and I am loving it
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I actually have 2 cups of most of my cereal when I have it- it makes more sense as a portion size for me. Most cerals are around 120-140 cals per cup. With 3/4 a cup of skim milk I find this a good and filling variety to my morning plan. but just my $.02
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I measure. But hubby fills his to the brim... twice.
  • carp68
    carp68 Posts: 42
    I follow the serving size as listed on the box, measure it exactly, and eat it in a coffee mug. Makes it easier to finish the milk...
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    I use a bowl. I don't measure it anymore because I know where to fill it to in my bowl to be a serving.
  • i barely eat cereal and when i do I measure...i eat oatmeal instead...gotten used to it now!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    The old me would use a BOWL, I mean like a cool whip sized bowl, full!!! Every once in a great while I'll do it again, the same size bowl but measured and logged and fit into my calories. It's like a comfort food!!! LOL
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    i usually have a cup and a half but its the milk that i dont abide by! I will fill the bowl with milk... now my husband has a "man sized" cereal bowl... -_- its H-U-G-E! i could use it as a fruit bowl, it like eight times bigger than a reg bowl
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Cereal is my enemy.. I LOVE it, but I am terrible with limiting myself to one or two measured cups. :(

    So most times, I just stay away from it.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Measuring cups. Once opened, I keep my cereal in a gallon zip lock baggie, and just keep the proper cup in the baggie. Ready to scoop out at all times.
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    If it is a healthy cereal without much sugar I will measure about 1.5 cups and I use skim milk. I also try to add fruit to my cereal so I can stay full until lunch.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I love cereal, but luckily I actually prefer the non-sweetened ones. Always have, for some reason. Cereal is hard for me. I measure out usually 2 cups (I do count all the calories) because when I eat cereal, I just can't bear having one little itty bitty cup because I. LOVE. CEREAL. I sorta have to stay away from it becuase once I start, it is hard to stop. :blushing:
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    I don't eat much cereal but when I do I try to weigh it. I used to eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch and when I weighed it the serving size was smaller than what was listed on the box because of how the clusters would get broken up and settle.
  • I use measuring cups.. usually I limit myself to a cup.. and if I have it for lunch after a work out then I give myself a cup and a half... I just bought that Kashi go lean cereal.. and I am loving it

    Same for me as well!! they are packed with protein, fiber, and whole grains. I measure 3/4 cup my first time I ever tried it and my first thought was - WHAT?! I'm still gonna be hungry!!! and no I was not - after that little 3/4 cup - I was full and very satisfied! and I kept that full feeling as if I had just eaten 3 bowls of froot loops!

    Keep in mind that portion control is key! snacking is important too. so eat small meals and eat a snack or two in between each meal. It will BOOST that metabolism and because you're snacking you won't get that really hungry feeling that makes you feel like you could eat a horse!!
  • I eat Special K cereal only. It's sooo good, I have no want for any other cereals!
  • I measure my cereal and put it in a coffee cup...Makes me feel like I'm getting more and that makes me happy :)
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