Lower Back Advice

rebrafe Posts: 64
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone! I had a baby this year and have found that my lower back is incredibly weak. Any ideas for exercise?


  • The superman is one I had to do in softball back in high school. Coach said it helped the lower back, but please research it to make sure.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Lay on your back, bring your knees up to your chest and hug your knees. Cross your right leg over to your left with your hand gently pulling on the knee. Turn your head to the right. Switch sides.

    Pelvic crunches will also help strengthen the lower back.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've been kind of focusing on my lower back since the first of the year.

    I do this thing called a Good Morning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good-morning

    Becareful and start slow, till your back gets used to it.

    I also do Exercise Ball Sit-Ups which works the lower back without putting too much pressure on it.

    There's a ton of other sutff you can do. Just google it and pick a few.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Deadlifts and Hyperextensions
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    I've got a similar problem with my low back and hips. I ended up with 2 herniated disks a year after baby #1. I think my core was weak and my 2 yr old was in a body cast for 3 months so lifting her around did a number on my back. I got thru pregnancy #2 without a hitch.
    I've found doing exercises to strengten the core are good, but be careful not to overextend your low back. I've got to be really careful which exercises I do, avoiding jerky exercises and one wrong move will tweak my back and take weeks to get over. I've got to do slow, controlled movements. For example, I have to avoid lying on my back doing leg lifts and lower ab work.
    Doing lots of stretches after you exercise is also good. Just take it slow and try not to go to fast with the excersie.
    A physiotherapist might be able to recommend some good exercises for you to do to help strengthen your low back and core.
    Good luck - I know it can be very frustrating!
  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    First congradulations on the buddle of Joy :)

    If it hurts you a lot or you want to start out simple. Believe it or not toe touches can work your lower back to start out. Your upper body weight (which includes the mommy boobs that you get) will be enough weight to lightly work your lower back. You can do that anywhere and you then can work up to more excercises like the superman and weight machines at the gym. Remeber start out slow and steady be patient and it will come back. Good luck
  • gagaboo
    gagaboo Posts: 8 Member
    I had an extremely weak back/core all of last year... couldn't even sit up, had to roll to the side to get up off my back. Strengthening your core is the best way to strengthen your back. I'm not talking sit ups, here, those can hurt your back. The Plank is a great core exercise, which does not hurt your back and will make your whole torso stronger. Start out trying to hold for 15 seconds, and build up to a minute. My chiropractor recommended this exercise. Look for a picture of the proper form on line to make sure you're doing it correctly. Good luck!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I've had lower back trouble for years, even had to have back surgery because of degenerative disc disease.

    The best and easiest way that I've found to keep that lower back strong is to back up against a wall, roll your hips back to flatten the small of your back onto the wall and, keep it there for at least 30 seconds at a time. Repeat as often as you can. I get relief from this is less than 5 minutes.

    Second, when your sitting around in front of TV, or whatever, just suck in and then relax your stomach muscles. The second benefit is that your stomach won't pooch out as much, either.

    I hope that these things will help you out.
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