Feel Guilty Even Though I'm Within Calorie Goals (blowing of

raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been SO pumped about losing weight and MFP -- this site has been the key to helping me shed my 1st 22 lbs. Wahooo!!!!! I'm ready to lose the next 22, and the next 22, and the next 22......you get the idea. :) Anyway, I have 1,520 calories to eat each day and I have not gone over since I joined on 12/27/10. Yipeeee!!

Today I walked 3 miles and burned about 445 calories (I use the Polar FT7 HRM w/chest strap and LO-O-O-O-VE it) and I logged it in, so of course that brought up the amount of calories I have to eat for the day. I only ate about 60 of the exercise calories -- although those 60 calories went towards a chocolate pumpkin chocolate chip muffin. When I clicked the "complete this entry" button I didn't even net 1,200 calories -- so,


I've been so proud of myself for staying w/in my calorie goals and exercising, but tonight I feel like I've screwed the whole diet up by eating that stupid 142 calorie muffin. It tasted very "sinful" and was still warm so the chocolate chips were melty and delicious.....is that it? Do I feel bad because up until about a month ago that kind of food is what got me to the weight I am today? Geesh! Why couldn't I just eat the muffin, be within my calorie goals, and be happy?! But no! I have to torture myself over why I let myself have chocolate. :grumble: It was made with pumpkin puree for crying out loud! It wasn't even a real chocolate muffin!!!! It's getting to the point where I'm so obsessed with not eating my exercise calories and being good that anything "dessert-y" sends me on a huge guilt trip.

Oh good grief! I'm going to bed. Hopefully I won't wake up tomorrow and weigh 22 lbs heavier. :frown: I also hope I have a better frame of mind.


  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Part of this is a head game. Those of us who have "dieted" for ever have been taught there are foods that are "bad". You have to start resetting your thinking - nothing is "bad" if it is in moderation (a small/normal portion!!! and sugary snacks/fast food become the occassional treat, not the norm). I had Little Debbie cakes yesterday because I was in the mood for something unusual and sweet. Stayed in my calorie goal and even if I don't lose this week, I know its not because I enjoyed a "zebra cake".

    We are faced with so many choices and "temptations". If we don't learn how to manage them successfully we will go back to our old ways.

    Enjoy your successes - you didn't have a 1/2 dozen muffins!!! That's great!
  • You exercise and I think you should give yourself a break. Stop feeling guilty and enjoy the muffin. Just know you can not have another one for at least another month. Stay encourage! You sound as if you are doing well.
  • dont feel guilty for having a dessert!
    i have found in the past that letting myself have a little treat (even if it is a hershey's kiss or two) a day makes me not feel so bad about wanting it and helps with the craving for chocolate.
    As long as you are eating a balanced diet and not just eating useless sugars all day you will be fine!
    the more you dont let yourself have a treat the more you will want it and binge on it later.
    so enjoy that chocolate and if it makes you feel better do five extra minutes of cardio tomorrow...five minutes never hurt anybody!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    First thing I want you to do is forgive yourself.

    There is nothing wrong with the occasional muffin/chocolate bar/pizza etc. It's when you do it all the time and in bulk.
    There is no such thing as a bad food when taken in moderation. And that's the key. Moderation.

    I decided long ago I wanted food to be my friend. In order to do that I have to no longer see it as good or bad. I now treat it like friends. There are those I can see everyday and love (veggies) and those who I can only deal with in small doses/live far way and can't see often (cakes etc..).
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Just remember that with MFP you can eat anything you want to as long as you are within your calorie goals. If you are eating healthy and exercising, it is just fine to have a treat once in a while. I have the same problem with thinking some foods are good and others bad. We have to put them in the right quantities and take into account how often you are eating them. You are doing so well! Don't worry about it, just don't make it a habit.
    Relax. The Food Police will NOT be knocking at midnight!!!!
  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    IMO I think the guilt comes from the word DIET. For many years, we dieted to lose weight and on diets, you can't have certain foods which leads to guilt. This program, in my mind, is NOT a diet but a new way of eating. I am eating like a healthy person. I have seen healthy people eat desserts and I don't think they feel guilty about it. They just don't do it every day or eat the whole cake in one day, ya know?

    Today is just another day on your journey to a healthy you. The guilt you feel isn't healthy so let go of the guilt and enjoy! :drinker:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Part of this is a head game. Those of us who have "dieted" for ever have been taught there are foods that are "bad". You have to start resetting your thinking - nothing is "bad" if it is in moderation (a small/normal portion!!! and sugary snacks/fast food become the occassional treat, not the norm). I had Little Debbie cakes yesterday because I was in the mood for something unusual and sweet. Stayed in my calorie goal and even if I don't lose this week, I know its not because I enjoyed a "zebra cake".

    We are faced with so many choices and "temptations". If we don't learn how to manage them successfully we will go back to our old ways.

    Enjoy your successes - you didn't have a 1/2 dozen muffins!!! That's great!

    This is awesome advice for the new dieter. My moderation, or lack thereof, is why I'm here, as it is that way for most people. I don't indulge often, but I will and stay under my calorie goal. I do it for a few reasons:

    1) I crave sugar sometimes. I am a recovering sugar and caffiene addict.
    2) Now, when I eat sweet things, they are starting to be too sweet.
    3) It's kind of fun to challenge myself to learn about food.
    4) It's good practice to practice moderation in a controlled setting. You won't always be in a good place for dieters (i.e.- a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese's) and if you've never tried to practice self-controlled, that's the worst place to start.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Wow you are doing fantastic- don't beat yourself up over a small treat. As long as you're within your calorie goals you will be just fine!
  • haleyechurch
    haleyechurch Posts: 7 Member
    First off - CONGRATULATIONS on the 22 lb loss, go you!!!

    Second - I do the same thing. I think the guilt happens for a couple of reasons. 1) we're so used to eating crap we don't want to that when we finally get our mouths around what actually tastes good - we just KNOW we're sinning (regardless of the calories). 2) The amount of carbs (and the terrible-for-you white sugar) in that muffin is likely higher than say the same amount of calories in veggies or meat.

    I think in the end you should only feel guilty if the next day's (or whenever you weigh-in)'s numbers say you should be.

    Keep up the good work, lady. It's tough.
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    you are well on your way to meeting your goal....congratulations!!!
  • raising2ells
    raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging remarks!!!!!!!
    I've never found a site where the people are so encouraging and help each other through the sticky spots. It's really awesome!
    Thanks again......feeling better today. :flowerforyou:
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