weightloss pills, teas, shakes etc?

has anyone tried any? What do you think of them (weather you tried them or not). Are they safe? Any side effects?

I've been thinking of maybe testing some out....but i'm highly suspicious they are bad for you and or don't work as claimed.



  • Tess
    Tess Posts: 16
    has anyone tried any? What do you think of them (weather you tried them or not). Are they safe? Any side effects?

    I've been thinking of maybe testing some out....but i'm highly suspicious they are bad for you and or don't work as claimed.

    OMISALJ Posts: 69
    Green Tea is always the safest as far as i know. I just also bought Weightless Tea, from the brand Traditional Medicinals, it gives off a little nasea after, but i drink it once in a while, when i'm feeling extra full, and need to clean myself out.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Pills - dangerous. Stay away. These are not FDA regulated, they are NOT proven, a lot of them just hype your metabolism and make you jittery, which is really bad for your heart. And when you stop taking them you gain the weight back because you were just tricking your metabolism. Trust me - if these things worked and worked in a healthy way, the whole country would be thin and the diet drugs would not have "results not typical" taglines and "may cause death" fine print...

    Teas - The antioxidants in these are healthy. Don't think you have to buy the ones online that are touting themselves as THE weightloss tea, but it is very healthy to work tea into your diet. I wish I liked it!

    Shakes - These have their places. Protein shakes and (ie) Slim Fast work for basic healthy OCCASIONAL meal replacements or snacks, or perhaps an evening snack to recover your exercise calories, but do not fall into the trick that you can eat 3 shakes a day and call that your meals (or even 2 shakes and one meal)! Even these say - NOT for normal / continual meal replacement in the fine print. Plus - a calorie is a calorie... if it comes from a shake or if it comes from tuna (high in protien) (and tuna is cheaper!)

    Welcome to the MFP world ... where there is no easy quick fix :smile:
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    I drink Smooth Move tea at the end of my cheat day, and I'm also really loving:love: the Peach Mango Green Tea by Crystal Light
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    I drink tea but it is of the Chai persuasion... :bigsmile:

    I drink 2 protein shakes a day... one usually in the morning either w/ some breakfast or as an a.m. "snack" & the other one is my "bedtime snack" after my workout to help replenish my muscles.
    I still eat B, L & D... but I strive to consume 40% of my calories from protein so these 2 shakes help me out since I'm not a big meat eater.

    I think the shakes or bars are fine if you are using them to "supplement" your diet, which is what I do. I don't think they should be your only source of protein.

    Pills, I don't do... for one, I have a heart condition that I was born w/ so I natually have an abnormal heart rythym and myself and these types of stimulants don't mix. I think they are alot of gimmick and hype. They work for some people I suppose, but I think if you stop taking them your metabolism crashes and you are more likely to gain all that weight back.

  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    Pills are bad but I take one Zantrex-3 everyday to get me going in the morning and it keep me busy so I don't think about eating. If your sensitive to caffeine this is not the pill for you. I also drink green tea.