Runners: Is this normal?!?



  • mommamo5
    @shawnalee0703 and wannbahottie- think I will try to slow my pace down a bit when I run Friday night and see if that helps me out.

    @elf618-great advise too! 11 min mile with walking is AWESOME!

    @douglw-another good suggestion! I usually run about 2-3 hours after I’ve eaten so maybe I should try to have a piece of fruit beforehand.

    Kt2007-I don’t really have the option of the elliptical right now. By the time I go to work and take care of the kids I usually don’t get my run in until the go to bed.

    @liscar-sounds like we are on about the same running level right now. Best of luck to you!

    @katbass-that is awesome and inspiring…thank you!

    @fitnesschica-I haven’t actually ran a group 5K yet…only on the treadmill or outside on my own. My diet could also be part of the problem. Since joining MFP I have gotten a lot healthier than what I was but definitely not has healthy as a lot of people on here=)

    Thank you all!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member

    @Emmaleigh47-I wasn’t really suggesting that the 5K is distance running but I would eventually like to build myself up to distance running. The scheduled breaks are a really good idea!

    Sorry I didnt mean to misunderstand you... I wish you all of the best luck.. but I hate it when people say they "cant" do something. YOu CAN do it... you just have to figure out your route to doing it. While some people can run a 10 minute mile... other people have to be content with a 15min/mile for now. Hopefully I will get better... and faster... but if I only tried to run a 10/mile I would have quit a looong time ago!
  • Fitnesschica
    Could really be a lot of things, go to that website for running advice. Stay away from acidic foods, breathe from your mouth and nose at the same time, maybe you are not getting enough oxygen. Just open your mouth slightly and it will naturally happen, try not to think about it too much. Don't drink more water just drink enough. If you want to be a runner definately read articles on runnersworld web site. Read about what to eat, what to wear, how to breathe etc. They will also give you beginners running plans, thats how I got started, now I run marathons. You can also find a running group in your home town, just google running groups. It is very helpful to get advice and support. Good luck.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    You might not want to take advice from a novice jogger (did Couch to 5K over the summer), but I would agree w/ the others that say to slow down a bit. You will definitely be able to do the run w/o walking, but it takes some time for your body to get used to it.
    After I got a HRM from eBay, I was initially disappointed that I was waaaay out of range and too close to maximum recommended heart rate. :grumble: :noway:

    But stick with it and eventually your body gets used to it - now I can do the same runs w/o as much effort.

    That said, there is nothing wrong w/ walking, but wanted to let you know that if you slow down a bit and build up, effort-wise, you will be able to improve. :smile:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Slow down.

    I've been running about 18 mths now and have progressed from 6kms to 21kms (last weekend!). I don't follow any programme and I run about once a week. The only times I have ever felt sick is when I go fast. There is no hurry - my 21kms took me 2 hours and 15 mins (pretty sure the last 3-4 kms took most of that time lol). The endurance is more important than the speed (to me anyway). The issues I'm trying to overcome at that distance are mental - my head wants to give up. Sure my legs are feeling it, but I'm not overdoing it as I am not hurting the next day or anything. Endurance running is as much about the mental fitness as it is the physical. Don't push it. It will happen xxx
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    take this from the suckiest runner in the world (me), just keep going.
    I did couch to 5km. and, while i could run the 5km, my time was really really crappy, and i still had to walk for 1 min every 10 min.

    and this is ok. YOU ARE STILL RUNNING 5 KM which most people cannot do.

    and it is all process. I now (7 months later) have shaved off 4 min off my total time, and when i do have to slow down to a brisk walk it is only at 4 km. and only on some days.
    it is not amazing, but i am still proud as heck, and still consider running to be the best bang for the buck in terms of getting the most results out of an exercise.

    just keep going.