Why is it that people on the Biggest loser etc



  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    ok one thing im a little confused on im on 1200 calories and day now if i dont eat all those calories i get the starvation mode warning,lets say i eat 1200 or 1300 hundred one day then exercise away 500 leaving my net at like 800 or 700 how come i dont get the warning then.

    I'd say that that is a Q for Mike re: programming. Sounds like the S/M message is reacting ONLY to "intake" and not "net".

    :laugh: Get outta my head, Neo! :tongue:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • superflycat2
    superflycat2 Posts: 8 Member
    weight is just a number, cms is more important anyway!
  • sarahjrrr_
    Remember the pictures of holocaust death camp survivors? Well they weren't that skinny cause they were eating 6 meals a day, I'll tell you that! "Starvation mode" is really a misnomer: yes, your metabolism will slow down in your body's effort to preserve itself, but if you keep pushing it, it doesn't have a choice but to use that fat supply just to live.

    The harm in entering starvation mode isn't that you stop loosing weight, its that when you return to a normal diet, you gain exponentially.

    Yes, so let your body enter starvation mode, because if the people in a Holocaust death camp can "push it" and keep loosing weight, so can you! And it's totally legitimate and healthy for your body!

    Ha. Brilliant.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I never eat all the calories they add back for my exercise. Yes, I know I need to eat more when I exercise, but to burn 500, eat 500...burn 400, eat 400...I would never lose weight! That's how it works for me at least. I stick within my calorie goal give or take 200 or so. I have lost 16 pounds since January 7th (5 since Feb 8th). If I am super hungry and near or over my calorie goal I eat a chicken breast or an egg...something high in protein and low in carbs. I'm burning something, I have gone down 4 sizes in two months and that is constantly being under the calories suggested by MFP.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Also keep in mind the weight the contestants on BL lose is not in 1 week. It is usually at least 2 weeks between weigh ins.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    If you speak to a professional they will tell you not to eat your work out calories! Aim to eat 1200 to 1300 calories a day and aim to do at least 3500 calories burned in exercise in a week. You will find many conflicting things on here but what works for one may not work for another. I follow the advice of a professional trainer, who has been trained in many aspect of the health field. He is the one that recommended this site in our Boot Camp! If you follow those 2 simple things and make what you are eating a priority you will lose! Be extremely aware of what you are eating and be accountable for it!

    Well said... this is absolutely what has worked for me!
  • charlaynem
    charlaynem Posts: 3 Member
    What you said is too funny:laugh: ...the six hours would not motivate me at all...:explode:
  • lizhipwell
    Remember, alot of them have been known to gain alot of the weight back once the show is over. The key is to do it slow and steady, fit it into your life, and change your emotional relationship to food and your body. It doesn't seem like it's a realistic setting that instills healthy emotional habits...just sayin!...