better days

I find it odd that some days i feel thinner than other days. Like yesterday for instance, i felt like i was huge, then today ive had so much energy and felt much thinner. i did 2 plus hours of wii work out then 200 crunches. even before my work out i felt good, like i was a hundred lbs lighter...but im not. this is kinda odd to me. once this past week i felt this way, like i was just walking on air, like i was "thinner" even felt i looked thinner....until i stepped on the scale that is. i had actually gained 3 lbs back. ive since lost those 3 lbs plus 2 more, so i dont get i the only one who does this? or do others do the same? its just strange....plz do tell??
thanks and good luck to all!


  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    both hubby and I have this to :laugh:
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    I get that too... its weird isnt it..

    I hate my feeling fat days ,when i cant be arsed to do anything and feel really sluggish and tired.
  • momma52
    My name is Linda and this is my first week. I want to lose 90 lbs by this time next year. I have tried doing it by myself but that hasn't worked out so well for me. Good luck to everyone and to myself. :smile:
  • Robs_uk
    Robs_uk Posts: 9 Member
    I found the secret to this is "eat less excercise more!" But filling in the diary deff makes you head in the right direction. Feel free to send a friend request. x
  • biellas
    I've been working out for a month now and started to feel thinner too. Sadly, while I weighed myself initially I didn't think to take my measurements. When I weighed myself 4 weeks later I had only lost half a pound but I felt thinner! WTF? I find that I feel thinner on days when I do my cardio and experience a high for most of the day. I've definitely noticed that I feel disgusting and fat/bloated the day after I've consume foods with a lot of sodium because I'm retaining more water. Watch your salt consumption and see if it correlates with the days you feel fat.

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