But I just keep eating...

zilla Posts: 46
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So I've finished my meal and I'm satisfied. I have a little something sweet to have afterwards, be it a 'hot chocolate' or some grapes or a piece of carob I want to keep eating. I've just moved out of home which I think might have something to do with it. But I just want to keep snacking. It's not late at night, for 40 minutes after my meal.



  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    The only thing that helps me when I'm like that is going out for walk. As long as I'm in, it's hell, so I go for very brisk walk untill I forget about it. Then straight for a bath and bed.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I have that exact problem! I try not to have any yoghurt or fruit or anything for dessert after dinner and that way if i am still hungry and hour or twolater and need to snack,i have calories and somethign healthy i can have.
    OR sometimes i plan for this and keep things like low calchocolate mousse or have a hot chocolate and a couple biscuits. I usually have calories left overso i can eat a little bit to satisfy my cravings but not going overboard!

    It is very hard though,i had this problem late last night when i had to go with my boyfriend to pickup his cousin after his car broke down.We got back at one and i was so hungry.....2 crumpets and 2 cookies later i will be paying for it today! Definately learnt the hard way so make sure you have healthy snacks around or have some calories left over so you can have a little indulge and it wont be aproblem!

  • zilla
    zilla Posts: 46
    The only thing that helps me when I'm like that is going out for walk. As long as I'm in, it's hell, so I go for very brisk walk untill I forget about it. Then straight for a bath and bed.

    I think I might take this on board. I'm normally very active, on average 4 hours of exercise a day (running, swimming training, yoga and weights training or ballet) but my apartment building has a gym, so I might check out the tredmil when it's back in service (I live in Brisbane and got hit by some floods) But, yes - good idea!
  • dzilobommo
    dzilobommo Posts: 73 Member
    Wowww...4 hours of exercise a day? :noway: Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you worried about a little snack after dinner? Surely you've more than earned it!! :smile:
  • Simple! You're starving yourself, hence you're hungry! You need to up your calories - an average of 150-200 calories for dinner is FAR too low and unhealthy! If you're exercising 4 hours a day as well then your calories need to be AT LEAST around the 2000 mark, if not considerably higher. You wouldn't expect your car to drive for 24 hours on an empty fuel tank so why expect your body to do the same?
  • Trafty024
    Trafty024 Posts: 57 Member
    Simple! You're starving yourself, hence you're hungry!

    Agreed, looked at your diary and you are eating low calories but not being healthy. You need more calories and protein and/or reduce the exercise. Four hours is excessive and not necessary.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    posted twice! :blushing:
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    just had a quick look at your diary if your hungry eat! on some of the days your not eating enough, let alone eating your exersie calorie...

    read these they may help



    good luck enjoy your journey :smile:
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I'll third that. You're eating less than 1200 calories a day. 1200 should be a minimum! Eating enough is as important as not eating too much. (I've been saying that phrase a lot lately, think I'm going to have to trademark it.)
  • zilla
    zilla Posts: 46
    I think it's more that it's this sort of boredom eating... and it frustrates me why I'm doing it when I'm not even hungry. Haha, it's like I'm just looking for something to do.
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