Frustrated and confused.... Net Calories vs Original Calorie

Has anyone else out there noticed that the NET Calories and the basic assumption that if you eat x calories (lets call it 1000) and burn x calories (lets call it 500) you're netted 500 calories and have EARNED 500 extra calories for the day doesn't seem to yield results?!?!

I've been using this formula and MFP now for a few months and I've not lost any weight. I've never been this active or eaten this healthy and still I've not lost any weight. I exercise a minimum of 6hrs per week and I rarely go over my calories.

Do I need to stick to my ORIGINAL alloted calroies and NOT add back the burned calories for a while until I plateau with weight loss and THEN add back the burned calories?!?!

I'm confused and frustrated.
Any advice or guidance would be MOST helpful!!!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    This is an ogoing debate on these boards, but I never eat my exercise calories--however, I try not to overdo it either at the gym. I dont exercise so that I can eat more---as many do. But I know people will tell me I am wrong--I know I have been having great success--so be it.
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    This is the best answer I was given: By using "Your Daily Summary" your "Food" should not go over your "Goal" and with exercise, your "Net" shouldn't drop below 1200. So without exercise, your calories in should be between your Net 1200 and your Goal. As for eating your exercise calories, Net should always remain 1200 or more so your body doesn't "starve". I find this really works for me.

    Now I know some people exercise like mad (1000+cals) and that drops their Net down to a really low number (and I also know you shouldn't eat if you're not hungry) so I don't know how they calculate their daily summary....
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I always ask this, how do your clothes fit? Are you losing size but not weight, if so good for you. If not, yes change what you are doing. What is the definition of insanity, “doing the same thing and expecting different results”. Try lowering your net calories (don’t eat back your exercise) see if that helps. But make sure you only do one change at a time or you won’t know what helped.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I would say the more you work-out the more important it is to take some extra calories.

    I wouldn't eat back my calories from light exercise (walking for 30 minutes) but if you work out 6 hours a week then I think you need to consider eating back some of your extra calories...
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I agree with what "nmandamarie" said. I would just make sure your "net calories" don't go under 1200, but you don't have to eat your exercise calories. Find a balance. And depending on what you are doing exercise wise, you could be losing inches and not weight. Or you could need a big cheat day. I was so frustrated with not losing weight also, and I weighed today and found I lost 1.6 lbs all of a sudden. I had a cheat weekend. I went over my calories every day this past weekend and exercised like normal and boom, lost some weight. So change it up and bit and watch those sodium numbers and you should start seeing results soon.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Just by going through your diary a few weeks, it seems as though you don't track most of your weekend meals. Is that typical? Also, there are a LOT of processed & prepacked foods and carbs on there, and some days you're well under 1200 calories (even before adding exercise calories). I can't see your sodium, but I would guess it's extremely high. One day I saw you had 700 calories of Tostitos (which I adore, but keep it to around 100 calories a couple times a week, which was nearly half of your daily caloric intake for something with practically no nutrional value and a buttload of salt).
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all the input! My weekdays are typically MUCH healther than my weekends. Problem is Fridays I work 20 hours between two jobs. I eat as healthy as I can on the weekends. Sometimes Im running around so much it's very difficult to eat at all.

    Scagneti - The 700 calroies in tostidos was a very HIGH estimate of what I ate. I made a VERY HEALTHY corn and black bean salsa dip and that was my lunch/dinner for the day! I only had chips to eat with it.. (NO Excuse but thats where that came from!)

    I suppose trial and error will continue.

    I will definitely try one thing at a time. Be it NOT eating back exercise calories or simply having a cheat day here or there!

    It's awesome to know the MFP community is so helpful! =)